
This article covers how a new study in trial manager can start as a copy of an existing trial.

A new study in Trial Manager can start with a copy from an existing trial. This allows a Software Implementation Specialist (SIS) to copy an entire study and the configuration as the baseline for a new study. To be able to copy a study, the new study in Trial Manager cannot contain a committed version (0 or higher). Additionally, the study must be a Standard trial or a Teamwork Starting Point Sandbox.

Copy Study

The Configurator, Trial Designer and Project Manager roles will contain the Action option of “Copy Study” if the study does not contain a committed version.

When the user selects ‘Copy Study’ the ‘Select the study’ screen will appear with a dropdown. The dropdown will contain a list with trial names for all studies with a committed version 0 or higher from the Trial Manager and child trial managers from which the Copy Study action was selected, and from the Trial Managers specified for ‘Available Trial Managers’ on the Trial Manager Properties screen.


When Copy Study is selected, the system will commit a Version 0 for the new study and will show a commit message with the study name and version that was copied for the new study. The study property defined in the App Properties for the study will be automatically updated with the Protocol Name entered on the Set-up screen.


The Setup screen will also contain an audit of the copy action.

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