
This article describes the steps for creating roles and entering project parameters. 

Table of Contents

The Setup node is used to create role sets, setup Listeners and enter project parameters such as key study dates and number of sites. This page describes the steps for creating roles and entering project parameters. Review the Listener documentation to learn how to configure Listeners.

Setup Form

Upon enrolling a trial, the Configurator for the study will need to complete the Setup form. This form requires information related to the study’s protocol and is also where Fountayn products are enabled.

  1. Setup: Using the study’s protocol, enter study information for the first section of the form. The Protocol field must begin with a letter and can contain a space. The field supports the following special characters: – (dash), _ (underscore), and / (slash). Please ensure that at least a non-empty part of the protocol uses ASCII characters.
Note: The Configuration Path should be left blank as this path is completed automatically by the system upon first saving the form.

  1. Managers: In the Managers section, select a Project Manager, Software Implementation Specialist (SIS), and their respective backups by entering their name. As you enter the name, the system will return a list of possible matches. Ensure the user’s workgroup access is set to public.
  2. Application IDs: Leave this section blank. The system will automatically assign these IDs.
  3. Workgroup ID: Leave this section blank. The system will automatically assign this ID.
  4. Inclusion in Cross Study Managers: Cross Study Manager components should be enabled for the study.
Note: Include In Cross Study Managers must be enabled for at least one study in a Trial Manager to have Reports Manager displayed in the Trial Manager.
  1. Click the ‘Save Form’ button.
    When the setup form is saved, the system creates a single workgroup and sets the Configurator as the Admin of the workgroup. The system also creates an application and an ‘All Sites’ tool on each environment (Design, Test, Approve, and Production).

Field Size Restrictions

The following fields on the Setup Form cannot contain a value that exceeds the field size.

  • Protocol – 255 characters or less
  • Product Name – 255 characters or less

Project Form

Though not required, the information completed on this form is included in Trial Manager reporting.

  1. Complete this form based on the information available in the study protocol.
  2. Click the ‘Save Form’ button.

Role Sets

Roles sets are defined once across all environments. The Role Set Name should reflect the assignment level of the roles included in the set. For example, if the roles are assigned to the All Sites tool, then the Role Set Name should be ‘All Sites.’ When the role set is updated, it is automatically updated for all tools to which the role set is assigned. For example, if a Data Manager role is removed from the Testing role set, then all users assigned the Data Manager role would no longer have Data Manager access. This would apply to all tools across all environments that were assigned the Testing role set.

Create Role Sets

  1. While on the Role Sets page, click the ‘Add Role Set’ link.
  2. Enter a name for the Role Set.

  3. Click the ‘Save Form’ button.

Add Roles to Role Set

  1. In the Form Navigation, navigate to the newly created Role Set.
  2. Click the ‘Add Role’ link.
  3. Enter the name for the role.
Note: This name should match one of the role names in the Data Architect file.
  1. Click the ‘Save Form’ button.
  2. Repeat these steps until all the roles have been added to the Role Set.
    The Role Sets will be assigned to specific sites and environments when managing the site network for each environment.

Remove Roles and Role Sets

Delete Roles

The following steps can be taken to remove a role from a Role Set.

  1. In the Form Navigation, navigate to the appropriate Role Set.
  2. Check the checkbox beside each role that should be removed.
  3. In the Actions dropdown menu, select ‘Delete Checked.’
  4. Click the ‘Go’ button.
  5. On the Confirm Delete page, enter a reason for this change.
    The Confirm Delete page will display a list of sites and users affected by the change.
  6. Click the ‘OK’ button to confirm the deletion.

Delete Role Sets

  1. In the Form Navigation, navigate to the Role Set form.
  2. Check the checkbox beside the Role Set that should be removed.
  3. In the Actions dropdown menu, select ‘Delete Checked.’
  4. Click the ‘Go’ button.
  5. On the Confirm Delete Form, enter a reason for this change.
  6. Click the ‘OK’ button to confirm the deletion.

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