
This article defines the instruction rememberReferenceQst.

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Instruction rememberReferenceQst


This instruction allows the storage of a referenced question in the form clipboard. This means that the question is available until a new form is selected. The question is specified with the prefix “##” and the name as questionId for other instructions.

Question Id

Required. This needs to be the path for a reference type question. It is possible to use a question that references either questions or forms.


The value needs to be a map. The map has to be specified in the format key1=’value1′,key2=’value2′.
There are multiple possible values for the keys:

  • var – This is a required value. It specifies the name of the question within the form clipboard.
  • ensure – This key allows the specification of a condition that needs to be ensured before the question is really stored in the form clipboard. Example: An AE and a SAE might exist where the SAE references the AE and both SAE and AE hold the term of the adverse event. However, the term might only be coded on the AE. When you want to export coded values for the SAE then you can go to the referenced AE, but you would need to ensure that the term on the AE and the SAE is equal, otherwise your exported coded values could be invalid.
  • refqst – Use this question for one of two cases: When the reference is to a form only, you need to specify which question from the referenced form should be used. Or you have a reference to a question, but you want to store a different question from the form.
  • key – Use this to specify a key. The value for this entry needs to be an expression. You can specify on which form the expression is evaluated. If you use the prefix “$source:” for the expression, it is evaluated on the source form. The source form is the form which holds the reference question that we are working on. If you use the prefix “$target:” for the expression, then it is evaluated on the target form. The target form is the form which is referenced from the reference question that we are working on.

    The evaluated expression value is available under name key in the “ensure” expression.

Input value

Optional: As input value you can specify the row iteration value for the case that a row iteration is used on a multiple-selection reference question. This way the instruction works on the passed in value. If no value is specified the instruction works on the single value or the first selected value.

Output value

Either false, true or empty. Do not use the output value. The intention of this instruction is to store a question in the form clipboard.


Instruction: rememberReferenceQst
QuestionId: aeref
Input: var = ‘codeqst’,refqst = ‘aeterm’,targetterm = ‘$target:aeterm’,ensure = ‘targetterm == saeterm’
In this case you need to have a reference question “aeref” on the current (source) form. This instruction is intended to store a question under variable name “codeqst”. From the referenced form the question “aeterm” should be stored. On the target form the key “targetterm” is evaluated as value of the question “aeterm”. The ‘ensure’ entry is evaluated on the source form and it checks that the targetterm (evaluted before on the target form) is equal to the value of saeterm. If everything is ok, the question “aeterm” from the target form is stored under name “codeqst”. It can be used to access coded values for this question.

Form Type IdQuestion IdInstructionValueColumn NumberColumn TitleData Type
var = ‘codeqst’,
refqst = ‘aeterm’,
targetterm = ‘$target:aeterm’,
ensure = ‘targetterm == saeterm’

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