
This article defines the instruction multiParamListLookup.

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Instruction multiParamListLookup


This is a value mapping instruction that works on multiple choice questions. The mapping is done with a property based code list. Every selected choice is mapped and concatenated for the result. Optionally an “other value” code can be mapped to the value of an “other question”. Although it works on multiple choice questions, it can be used on single choice questions too, especially when you want the “other value code” feature.

Question Id

Required. Needs to be the question path for a question, whose values should be mapped.


Required. Needs to specify the name of a property that contains the mapping list. The mapping list has to be defines like a code list. Opposed to eClinical’s code lists, the property based mapping list can also map from empty values and to empty values. The syntax for code lists and property based code lists is the same. Separate choices with “::”. Separate data and display value with “||”.

Input value



This instruction can be customized with the help of (cell) variables.

  • otherQst – Store a question here. This question will hold the value that would be returned, when the “other” choice is selected in the multiple choice question. This can only be used with the “otherChoice” variable.
  • otherChoice – required, if otherQst is filled. The value of this variable is the choice that identifies the “other” value.
  • separator – Optional: The value in this variable is used as separator between multiple choices. By default the separator is “+”.


Question IdInstructionValue

With this instruction the single values of question “cmfreq” will be mapped with parameter code list “cmdosfrqEx”, separated by a plus (the default), while the choice “88″ would be mapped to the value stored in the “freqoth” question.

Form Type IdQuestion IdInstructionValueColumn NumberColumn TitleData Type

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