
This article defines the instruction iso8601Date.

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Instruction iso8601Date


Converts a combination of question values and constants to an ISO8601 date format. The questions and constants need to be stored in variables. Questions can be stored in variables:

  • atQst
  • atQstDate
  • atQstTime

Each variable is handled the same internally. Use the variables at your own choice.
Constants can be defined with these variables:

  • atConst
  • atConstDate
  • atConstTime

Usually only one constant variable is used, if any constant is specified at all. A constant needs to be specified in internal partial date format. Each internal partial date string consists of 23 characters. Separator char (-) needs to exist at fixed positions between the fields. The fields need to be specified in the order: years (4 digits), months (2 digits), day (2 digits), hour (2 digits), minute (2 digits), second (2 digits), milliseconds (3 digits). Unsupported or unspecified fields have to be filed with tilde characters.
Here are some examples:

  • 1931-03-20-~~-~~-~~-~~~
  • ~~~~-~~-~~-23-59-00-~~~

Be aware that this instruction does not support input values either from a directly specified question ID or a previously calculated instruction. There is another instruction that does: see instruction toISO8601.

Question Id




Input value



Form Type IdQuestion IdInstructionValueColumn NumberColumn TitleData Type

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