
This article defines the instruction isBaseLineVisit.

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Instruction isBaseLineVisit


Finds out whether the current form belongs to a baseline visit. This requires the configuration of the baseline visit with a property “baseline-<alias>” or “baseline-<typeID>“. Example: A form “visit” with alias “visitOne” should be the baseline form, under which all forms for the baseline visit are located. In this case either the property “baseline-visit” or “baseline-visitOne” could be set with a non-empty value to define the baseline visit. When the form type “visit” might be used for different (non-baseline) visits, then you need to use the alias based property value. When the form belongs to a baseline visit, which means the configuration is set for the form or one of its parents, then the configured “value” is returned. An empty string is returned otherwise.

Question Id



This constant value is returned, when the current form is a baseline visit.

Input value



Form Type IdQuestion IdInstructionValueColumn NumberColumn TitleData Type

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