
This article defines the instruction icsrPartialFormat.

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Instruction icsrPartialFormat


This question works on the same input as instruction icsrPartialDate (question, input, at… variables) and it returns the ICSR defined format according to the actual avalable data. This instruction also requires a maximum length in the same way.

Question Id

Optional. Specify a question path, when the instruction should work with a question value.


The maximum format string for the output.
Value: 602 => Last supported field is year.
Value: 610 => Last supported field is month.
Value: 102 => Last supported field is day of month.
Value: 203 => Last supported field is minute.
Value: 204 => Last supported field is second.

Input value

The instruction works on the input value, when no question is configured.


When you have a partial date “?-Jan-2000″, then the output value depends on the instruction value.
Value: 602 => 602 (because the year is the max field and it is available)
Value: 610 => 610 (because the month is the last field and it is available)
Value: 102 => 610 (because there is no more data than according to the 610 format)
Value: 203 => 610 (because there is no more data than according to the 610 format)
Value: 204 => 610 (because there is no more data than according to the 610 format)

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