
This articledefines the instruction formDateAlternative.

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Instruction formatDateAlternative


Reformats a date or partial date value with the alternative date format. This method behaves like instruction formatDate with the difference of the storage of the date format. This method expects the date format string in a formatter parameter or a property named ‘alternativeDateFormat’. Thus the advantage of this instruction is that the date format does not have to be stored with every call of the instruction. It is specified only once with a parameter or a property. Please see also instruction formatDatePreferred, which uses a different configuration. This instruction should be used, when there are two different date formats to be used.

Question Id

Optional. Specify a date or partial date question path here, when the instruction should work on the question’s value.


Unused. The date format is stored in a formatter parameter or property.

Input value

Optional. The input value is used, when no question Id is configured.


Form Type IdQuestion IdInstructionValueColumn NumberColumn TitleData Type

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