
This article defines the instruction codeTerm.

Table of Contents

Instruction codeTerm


Retrieves the term of a coding item.

Question Id

Required. This needs to specify a question that supports coding.


This can be either a level that is supported from the dictionary like LLT, PT, HLT, HLGT, SOC, MP, ATC1, ATC2, ATC3, ATC4 or it can be a special info request, which starts with constant “info:” followed by two values separated by a comma. The first value specifies the level and the second level specifies the additional info for the level. Example: “info:MP,PREFERRED_NAME” will return the “PREFERRED_NAME” info from the MP level. It is possible to retrieve more than one “info:” value with a single call to the instruction. Just append the list of info items separated by commas. Example: info:DD,DRUG_RECORD_NUMBER,SEQUENCE_NUMBER_1. This will return the DRUG_RECORD_NUMBER and the SEQUENCE_NUMBER from the DD level. It is possible to specify the separator, when multiple info fields are used. In general this is done with property “codeTermSeparator”, which is empty by default. Another option is to store the separator in a cell variable under name “separator” (see setVar instruction).

Input value



Form Type IdQuestion IdInstructionValueColumn NumberColumn TitleData Type
Form Type IdQuestion IdInstructionValueColumn NumberColumn TitleData Type

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