
This article defines the instruction codeCode.

Table of Contents

Instruction codeCode


Retrieves the code of a coding item.

Question Id

Required. This needs to specify a question that supports coding.


This can be either a level that is supported from the dictionary like LLT, PT, HLT, HLGT, SOC, MP, ATC1, ATC2, ATC3, ATC4 or one of the special terms:

  • STATUS – In this case the instruction returns the status of the code for the question.
  • METHOD – In this case the instruction returns the coding method.
  • DICTNAM – In this case the dictionary name is returned. A dictionary name feature is not directly supported within eClinical as it might be required for the export. When you are not satisfied with the return value from this instruction, you can set a special property to configure the dictionary name that you want to. The setting needs to start with the dictionary key name and end with “-DICTNAM”. Example: For the dictionary “WHO2010-0112″, the setting would be “WHO2010-0112-DICTNAM”.
  • DICTVS – In this case the dictionary version is returned. A dictionary version feature is not directly supported within eClinical as it might be required for the export. When you are not satisfied with the return value from this instruction, you can set a special property to configure the dictionary version that you want to. The setting needs to start with the dictionary key name and end with “-DICTVS”. Example: For the dictionary “WHO2010-0112″, the setting would be “WHO2010-0112-DICTVS”.

Input value



Form Type IdQuestion IdInstructionValueColumn NumberColumn TitleData Type

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