
This article covers the questionnaire dataset.

Table of Contents


Form Type IdQuestion IdInstructionValueColumn NumberColumn TitleData TypeData Format
sf8,QS macroSTUDYID0STUDYIDString 
 &&termuppercase 10QSORRESString 
 &&termuppercase 12QSSTRESCString 
 &&termisEmptyNOT DONE15QSSTATString 
 sf8_datetoISO8601 22QSDTCString 
 sf8_datestudyDay 23QSDYNum 

Summary of Questions

questionTypeIdQuestion TextData TypeAnswer Options / Default Value
sf8_dateDate Survey Conducted (dd-MMM-yyyy):Date 
sf8_11. Overall, how would you rate your health during the past 4 weeks?StringEXCELLENT||Excellent::VERY GOOD||Very good::GOOD||Good::FAIR||Fair::POOR||Poor::VERY POOR||Very poor
sf8_22. During the past 4 weeks, how much did physical health problems limit your usual physical activities (such as walking or climbing stairs)?StringNOT AT ALL||Not at all::VERY LITTLE||Very little::SOMEWHAT||Somewhat::QUITE A LOT||Quite a lot::COULD NOT DO PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES||Could not do physical activities
sf8_33. During the past 4 weeks, how much difficulty did you have doing your daily work, both at home and away from home, because of your physical health?StringNONE AT ALL||None at all::A LITTLE BIT||A little bit::SOME||Some::QUITE A LOT||Quite a lot::COULD NOT DO DAILY WORK||Could not do daily work
sf8_44. How much bodily pain have you had during the past 4 weeks?StringNONE||None::VERY MILD||Very mild::MILD||Mild::MODERATE||Moderate::SEVERE||Severe::VERY SEVERE||Very Severe
sf8_55. During the past 4 weeks, how much energy did you have?StringVERY MUCH||Very much::QUITE A LOT||Quite a lot::SOME||Some::A LITTLE||A Little::NONE||None
sf8_66. During the past 4 weeks, how much did your physical health or emotional problems limit your usual social activities with family or friends?StringNOT AT ALL||Not at all::VERY LITTLE||Very little::SOMEWHAT||Somewhat::QUITE A LOT||Quite a lot::COULD NOT DO SOCIAL ACTIVITIES||Could not do social activities
sf8_77. During the past 4 weeks, how much have you been bothered by emotional problems (such as feeling anxious, depressed or irritable)?StringNOT AT ALL||Not at all::SLIGHTLY||Slightly::MODERATELY||Moderately::QUITE A LOT||Quite a lot::EXTREMELY||Extremely
sf8_88. During the past 4 weeks, how much did personal or emotional problems keep you from doing your usual work, school or other daily activities?StringNOT AT ALL||Not at all::VERY LITTLE||Very little::SOMEWHAT||Somewhat::QUITE A LOT||Quite a lot::COULD NOT DO DAILY ACTIVITIES||Could not do daily activities

To download an example Excel File of this export click the attachment titled QS at the bottom of this page. 

Summary of QS

A written or electronic survey instrument comprised of a series of questions, designed to measure a specific item or set of items. Questionnaires are research instruments that usually have a documented method of administration, a standard format for data collection, and documented methods for scoring, analysis, and interpretation of results. A questionnaire is often analyzed by applying a numeric scoring system to question responses, where each question response is assigned a specific numeric ―score‖ that can be totaled to give an overall score (and possibly sectional sub-scores). Questionnaire data may include, but are not limited to subject reported outcomes and validated or non-validated questionnaires. The QS domain is not intended for use in submitting a set of questions grouped on the CRF for convenience of data capture. Some diaries are vehicles for collecting data for a validated questionnaire while others may simply facilitate capture of routine study data. When objective numeric data with result Qualifiers are collected in a questionnaire or diary format, the sponsor should consider whether this data actually belongs in a separate (new or existing) domain. For example, if the subject records the number of caffeinated beverages consumed each day in a diary, this information might be more appropriate for the Substance Use domain. The names of the questionnaires should be described under the variable QSCAT in the questionnaire domain. These could be either abbreviations or longer names, at the sponsor‘s discretion until controlled terminology is developed. For example, Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS), SF-36 Health Survey (SF36), Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS).

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