
This article covers the steps to customize SAS specifications.

Table of Contents

1. Require information from client.

This is the first thing we need to do before we do anything else for a custom SAS export. At this step, we assume that our standard export can’t satisfy the client’s requirements. The following shows how to run standard export.

The typical information we need for custom SAS export from client is:

  • Data set (domain) name (required)
  • Variables’ name for each data set (required)
  • Labels for each variable of each data set (only needed upon client request)
  • Data type for each variable of each data set (only needed if they are different from the annotated CRF file). Usually they are Char, Number, or Date
  • Length and format (optional)

2. Handout for client from Fountayn.

Usually we handout an excel file which contains examples of requirements. According to the example, client needs to fill in the rest of the information and send back to us. For example:

We also accept the following format:

Specification for datasets:

Detailed specification for each dataset:

3. Develop custom export based on the client requirement.

Once we have the specifications, designated development staff will work with the project team to program the necessary export customizations.

4. What do we deliver?

Upon the completion of the custom export, the client can run the process and get a zip file containing a set of text files and a SAS script.

5. What is next?

Once the zip file is available, client can run the SAS script with their SAS software or client can write their own SAS script to manipulate the data. For example:

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