
This article covers inserting a table, hiding a table, and mapping columns.

Table of Contents

A custom export is used to map different formTypeIds to the same dataset. There are three types of custom exports (Excel, SAS, XML). This page is a tutorial for teaching how to step through the custom export mapping process.

Concepts Covered

This tutorial covers the following topics:

  • Inserting a Table
  • Hiding a Table
  • Mapping Columns

Insert a Table

Any Form Type Id that has at least one record populated will export. To ensure that a Form Type Id always export, use the insert command. The format is:

Form Type Id – insert, desired form name

This command ensures that all Question Ids in the table appear as a column, even if you performed custom mapping of columns. Typically, when more questions are added to a Form Type in the DataArchitect the only way to add more columns to a custom mapped table is to update the mapping. The new Question Ids will appear as columns at the end of the table. This command must be used in conjunction with at least one column that is mapped to another question or has some other instruction.

Note: This command is not compatible with Reusing Tables. 
Form Type IdQuestion IdInstructionValueColumn NumberColumn TitleData TypeData Format
adverseEvent – insert, AE#enrollment.patientIdqst0SUBJECT

Hide a Table

Any Form Type Id that has at least one record populated will export. To prevent a form from exporting as a table, you can hide it by not specifying any desired form name. No matter how many records are present, it will not appear. The format is:

Form Type Id

This tool can be useful if the client created questions or hierarchy that are designed to aide the user, but do not provide any clinical value. Sometimes a placeholder to generate unscheduled visit forms or “no adverse event” form will not need to be exported.

Form Type IdQuestion IdInstructionValueColumn NumberColumn TitleData TypeData Format

Mapping Columns

  • Form Type Id – Identifies the form that is being mapped and the desired name of the dataset that will result for the mapping.
Note: Form Type Id must be less than 32 characters.

  • Question Id – Identifies the question that is being referenced. It can appear on this or another form.
    • Example: aeTermExample: #screening.enrollment.patientId
  • Instruction – Specifies what to do with the question when mapping an export. This can include condition, multiCondition, char, overwrite, and custom formatter commands.
  • Value – Contains the value to write or the logic of the condition.
  • Column Number – Sequential integer starting with 0.
  • Column Title – Column header to appear in the export table. In the same way that Form Types can be renamed to a new table name, this feature allows you to rename Question Ids to a new column header.
Note: Column Title must be less than 32 characters.

  • Data Type – Identifies what type of data appears in this field. This must be filled out for date fields, overwrite fields, and fields where no Question Id is populated. Available data types include:
    • String
    • Integer
    • Float
    • Date
  • Date Format – When the data type is “Date”, this must be filled out. The options are the same as the date format options available elsewhere in the DataArchitect.
    • y – year (yyyy or yy)
    • M – month (MMM or MM)
    • d – day (dd or d)
    • H – hour (HH or hh)
    • m – minute (mm)
    • s – second (ss)
Form Type IdQuestion IdInstructionValueColumn NumberColumn TitleData TypeData Format
adverseEvent, AEaeIdqst0IDENTIFIER

You can grab data from other forms different than the current form being exported. In order to do this you can using the following:

  • . (period) – the parent form, or an object or attribute of the current entity
    • Example: .alias – returns the alias of the parent form
    • Example: ..vitals.visitDate – refers to two forms up, then down to the vitals form, then down to the visitDate question value
  • # (pound/hash) – the root level of the form architecture
  • alias – the Question Id or Form Id
  • type – the Question Type or Form Type
  • name – the Question Name or Form Name

Form Type IdQuestion IdInstructionValueColumn NumberColumn TitleData TypeData Format
adverseEvent, AE#screening.enroll.ptNo qst0SUBJECT
..vitals.visitDt qst1VISITDATEDatedd/MMM/yyyy
aeTerm qst3TERM
Note: When mapping, the table name or column name you want to replace it with must be less than 32 characters. 

In Conclusion

After completing this tutorial, you should be capable of performing the following:

  • Inserting a Table
  • Hiding a Table
  • Mapping Columns

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