
This article defines code lists that are repeated throughout the Question Type – Definitions tab.

Table of Contents

The worksheet defines code lists that are repeated throughout the Question Type – Definitions tab. This allows you to have a single point where question options can be modified. This is very useful if the design of an application is finished before final specifications are agreed upon.

CodeList ID

This ID is the keyword that you will use in the Question Types – Definition tab in the dataArchitect. Designers should not use spaces or special characters in these IDs. Good examples include:

  • yesno
  • gender
  • result

For referencing the CodeList ID in the Question Types – Definition tab, create the question like you would in any other instance. In the Answer Options / Default Value of this tab, simply enter “^^ID” where “ID” is replaced with your CodeList ID.

Answer Options / Default Value

The values that appear in this column in the worksheet are formatted the same as you would find in the Question Types – Definition tab in the Answer Options / Default Value column. Examples matching the above codes would appear like this:

  • 1||Yes::2||No
  • m||Male::f||Female
  • 0||Positive::1||Negative::99||NA

Updating these options from this worksheet will update all of the question answer options that reference this CodeList ID.

Data Type

This column dictates the output type of the codelist. This should match the question definition datatype.

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