
This article defines attributes that affect how the export functions. 

Table of Contents

The Exports worksheet defines attributes that affect how the export functions.

Export Id

Enter a unique variable identifier for the export; i.e., export1, export2, etc.

Export Name

Enter the name of the export as it will appear to the end user in the Export menu; i.e., Text Export, Custom SAS Export, Files Export, etc.

Export Description

Enter the optional description for the export, which will appear in the XML file and when a user hovers the mouse over the Export Type field on the Export Manager.


Determines whether all subject level data will be exported or just the data for subjects created since the last export. Enter ‘yes’ to export only data related to new subjects created since the last export. The default setting is ‘no’.

View Archive

The following permission must be defined in the Roles tab of the DataArchitect to be able to view the Export Archive:

‘Actions’ column‘View Archive’
‘Screens Required’ column‘viewArchive’


This is the number of exports to be saved in the archive. [This feature is currently limited to a depth of 3.]

Writer Information

Writer Type

Enter the document type. Available output types: Text, Excel, SAS, SASTransport or pdfArchival. The SAS Transport export requires SAS version 8 or higher to open. 

Note: Files export doesn’t have an assigned writer type and should be left blank when configured.

Param Name

Enter the unique strings defining the properties for the (reader/formatter) writer type; e.g., delimiter (pipe delimited on text), qualifier, zipDir, libName, libPath.

Param Value

The value to be passed to the Param Name in the configurable part of the reader/formatter; data to be stored for the properties needed for the writer type.

Writer Parameters for Excel Export


This optional writer parameter lets you specify the width of columns to the maximum width allowed, or to the longest entry in the column, whichever is smaller. The default is true.


This optional writer parameter lets you specify if a file labeled “checksum.lst” is generated for the export or not. The generated checksum can be used to verify if a file is modified or not. Each value for this parameter specifies the method used for generating the file checksum. The possible values are:

  • none – default, no checksum file is generated.
  • md5
  • sha-1
  • sha-256
  • sha-512


This optional writer parameter lets you specify if the excel sheet should be landscape. The default is true.


This optional writer parameter lets you specify the maximum width of a column in characters. It must be used with adaptive width. The default is 50.

removeBlankRows Or tableName_removeBlankRows

This optional writer parameter lets you specify whether a blank row is exported or not. The value of the setting contains a comma separated list of column names. If all these columns are empty within an export row, the row is considered to be empty and will not be added to the resultset. If the first item of the list is $invert$, then the logic is inverted, which means that all but the columns mentioned in the list need to be empty to not have the row added to the resultset. The setting removeBlankRows affects all export tables. It is implemented in a way that we first look for a current export table specific removeBlankRows setting and then for the global one, e.g., if the current export table is ae, we first search for a setting ae_removeBlankRows. If it is present, we use it, otherwise we look for a setting removeBlankRows.


This optional writer parameter lets you specify whether the text is wrapped in the column or cut off when displayed. The default is false.

Writer Parameters for Text Exports

Default Parameters at De-compile of Initial dA:


This optional writer parameter lets you set the delimiter used to separate the output columns. The default is ‘,’.

Note: You can use any character as a delimiter including the tab character, however to get the tab character to work, you must use 	 as the delimiter value. 


This optional writer parameter lets you set the string qualifier for this writer. All occurances of this value are escaped in the text.

Optional Parameters:


Please see checksumMethod.


This optional writer parameter lets you set the string fileExtension for this writer. Every table in this writer will end with this extension. The default is ‘txt’.


This optional writer parameter lets you set the delimiter used to separate each line of text in the output file, the default is a new line character (\n). When specifying a value for lineSeparator do not use the escape character (\) in the value field.

removeBlankRows Or tableName_removeBlankRows

Please see removeBlankRows.

Writer Parameters for SAS and SAS Transport Exports

The SAS and SASTransport writer writes formatted data to a text file and includes a SAS script to import the data into SAS. The parameters for text file are mentioned in previous section. The following are SAS-specific parameters: zipDir|libName|libPath|include|inFormat|outFormat|adaptiveLength|length_fieldName.

Default Parameters at De-compile of Initial dA:


This optional writer parameter lets you set the delimiter used to separate the output columns. The default is ‘,’.

Note: You can use any character as a delimiter including the tab character, however to get the tab character to work, you must use 	 as the delimiter value. 


This optional writer parameter lets you set the string qualifier for this writer. All occurances of this value are escaped in the text.


This defines the expected location where the user will unzip the file (c:\temp – by default); same as libPath. 

Note: Not applicable to the SAS Transport export.


This is the name of the expected SAS library (although, the Work directory is standard). In order to provide a library name, you must provide a library path. It is not possible to have one without the other. To use the Work directory, remove libName and libPath – the zip directory will be where you will save the file. 

Note: Not applicable to the SAS Transport export.


The path to the expected library (“” – by default); same as zipDir. 

Note: Both libName and libPath must be present if one or the other is present. 

Note: Not applicable to the SAS Transport export.

Optional Parameters:


This optional writer parameter lets you specify whether or not the length_fieldName is strictly enforced. When false the value will be truncated to the specified length, when true the value is not truncated. The default is true. adaptiveLength should not be false when encoding parameter is set to UTF-8.


This optional writer parameter allows the designer to specify the encoding used in the exported files. By default, the encoding of the exported files will be based on the platform of the user. This parameter can be used to force the encoding of the files. Currently, UTF-8 (must be capitalized) is the only supported value.


This optional writer parameter lets you specify the format for the field (e.g. format_assessmentTime). Enter the desired SAS format (e.g. comma10.2, DDMMY10). This parameter also lets you specify a custom format for a specified value using the SAS format (e.g. $FIELD). See Generate Tables With SAS Decode File for more information.


The name of a file, in the project directory, to be appended to the SAS script. Multiple “includes” may be used, and are intended, to append client custom scripts. Not applicable to the SAS Transport export.


Allows the user to override or add formats for data translations from Java to SAS for the importing of values to the SAS system. Example: writer parameter name=”inFormatdd|MMM|yyyy HH:mm:ss”, value=”DATETIME19”. Without this setting, the following automatic mapping of internal format to SAS inFormats will occur: MMM|yyyy => MONYY8 MMddyyyy => MMDDYY8 MM|dd|yyyy => MMDDYY10 MM|dd|yy => MMDDYY8 dd|MM|yyyy => DDMMYY10 dd|MM|yyyy HH:mm:ss => DATETIME19 dd|MMM|yyyy HH:mm:ss => DATETIME20 dd|MM|yy => DDMMYY8 dd|MMM|yyyy => DATE11 dd|MMM|yy => DATE9 yyyy|MM|dd => YYMMDD10 yy|MM|dd => YYMMDD8 HH:mm => TIME5.0 HH:mm:ss => TIME8.0 dd|MMM|yyyy HH:mm => DATETIME17.0 yyyy|MM|dd HH:mm => YMDDTTM16 hh:mm a => TIME8.0 hh:mm:ss a => TIME11.0 :


This optional writer parameter lets you specify the length for a field.


Allows the user to override or add formats for data translations between Java and SAS. For example: outFormatMMddyyyy, MMDDYY10 maps Java format MMddyyyy to an output of MMDDYY10 in SAS – this is a default in the system.


This optional writer parameter includes custom statements at the beginning of the SAS script. This parameter is useful for including client custom scripts that need to be executed before the datasets are created. To use this feature create a file containing the custom script, publish the file through the Trial Manager and set the Param Value to the name of the script file. Multiple “preIncludes” may be used. To add custom scripts to the end of the file, see the include parameter. Not applicable to the SAS Transport export.


This optional writer parameter allows the designer to specify the file separator for the infile path in the ‘.sas’ file of the SAS export. If the optional parameter is not defined, the default of ‘\’ will be used.


This parameter will limit variable and dataset name length to maximum 32 characters in the SAS import script. It is only applicable to SAS exports, as this automatically occurs with SAS Transport exports.

Note: If the Truncate32SAS is set to true and multiple variables have the same first 32 characters, when running the .sas import program, the variables will look the same which causes SAS to read the next value into the same variable. To prevent this issue the Trial Manager provides error warning to identify the values that are larger than 32 characters.

Mapping Information

Note: When mapping, the table name or column name you want to replace it with must be less than 32 characters.

Fromthe table name or column name you want to replace.
Tothe table name or column name you want to replace with.

Label Information

The label information is specific for SAS export. It is included in the SAS script.

Sas Writer Form Type Idspecify the tables that have labels.
Label Namethe name of the label.
Label Valuethe value of the label.

Formatter Information

Formatter Type

This is the class name of the formatter that will be used in the export. For a standard export, this setting will be ‘Form’. For a custom work, the Java file will be placed here – this is the path to the custom form formatter. When the custom formatter is used, a special section is needed in the export, which sends instructions to the custom formatter about how to customize the export.

Param Name

The unique internal parameter name (string) that defines the properties of the configurable part of the reader/formatter; e.g., exportComments, exportSDV, dataUpperCase and primaryKey.

Param Value

The value to be passed to the aforementioned parameter in the configurable part of the formatter. This could represent length, etc.

Formatter Parameters for Text, SAS,SAS Transport and Excel Exports

Note: Text/Excel/SAS Exports should be consistent with database value on unsaved forms. Text/Excel/SAS Exports are meant to be visual representations of the data that is configured in the database.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify the name for a record/subject. The possible values are:

iduse the record/subject ID to represent the record/subject.
primary(default value if not specified) use the record/subject primary name to represent the record/subject.
secondaryuse the record/subject secondary name to represent the record/subject.
combouse the record/subject primary name and secondary name to represent the record/subject. The secondary name is enclosed in parentheses.
comboDashuse the record/subject primary name and secondary name to represent the record/subject. The primary name and secondary name are connected by a dash.
comboNoSeparatoruse the record/subject primary name and secondary name to represent the record/subject. The primary name and secondary name have no separator.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify the form name for a form. The possible values are:

nameuse the form’s name to represent the form.
aliasuse the form’s alias to represent the form.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to export queries or not. The possible values are true and false. The default is false.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to export query audits or not. The possible values are true and false. The default is false.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to export comments or not. The possible values are true and false. The default is false.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to export audits or not. The possible values are true and false. The default is false.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify whether or not you want to export code audits or not. The possible values are true and false. The default setting for the excel, text, and SAS exports is false, but the default setting for the PDF Archive export is true. When the exportCodeAudits parameter is set to true for a text, excel, or SAS export and the export is run, a new file or tab is created. The new file/tab is called “{applicationKey}_codeAudits.” The data is organized into set columns (Patient, path, visit, parentForm, form, question, questionTitle, action, auditDate, changedBy, field, currentValue, previousValue), with path, visit, parentForm, and questionTitle configurable using the exportPathDetails parameter.


This optional formatter parameter should only be used when a more detailed access to the code fields is necessary. While the exportCodeAudits parameter is intended for a visual inspection of the data, the exportCodeAuditsEx function is more suited for an automatic processing of the data. The possible values are true and false. The default setting for all of the exports is false.


This parameter is set to ‘false’ by default, and instructs the formatter to utilize the values defined in the ‘Length’ column of the Question Types – Definition worksheet. Setting this parameter to ‘false’ will cause the formatter to instead ignore these values.

Note: The functionality of this parameter is overridden by the more global parameter length_fieldName described above.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to export alerts or not. The possible values are true and false. The default is false.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to export the audits of the alerts and their associated Reason for Override or not. The possible values are true and false. The default is false.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to export metadata status information (Answer Status, Alert Status, SDV Status, Query Status, Lock Status, Data Review, and Signed Status) for all forms across all patients. The output of this export table is similar to what is found in the Forms Manager. The possible values are true and false. The default is false. This parameter supersedes the individual metadata status parameters; therefore, it will always contain all the individual metadata statuses.


If set to false, this parameter will suppress the creation of the records file/tab in the export. The default value is true.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to export summary or not. The possible values are true and false. The default is false. The export summary table includes the export start time, the user who does the export, and the number of rows exported for each table.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to export SDV or not. The possible values are true and false. The default is false.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to export the answer status of a form or not. The possible values are true and false. The default is false.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to export the lock status of a form or not. The possible values are true and false. The default is false.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to export the alert status of a form or not. The possible values are true and false. The default is false.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to export the freeze status of a form or not. The possible values are true and false. The default is false.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to export the Data Review Status of a form. The allowed values for this are ‘true’ and ‘false’. The default value is ‘false’.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to export signed status of a form or not. The possible values are true and false. The default is false.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to export query status pf a form or not. The possible values are true and false. The default is false.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to export the details of a form path or not. The possible values are true and false. The default is false.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to export the details of a form path in the column ‘pathName’. This is similar to ‘exportPathDetails’ however this uses the name path, not the alias path (ie. ‘Visit 2.Lab Summary.Lab 3′ instead of ‘visit2.labsum.lab3′). The ‘pathName’ column can be converted to lower/upper case if the conversion parameter is set. The possible values are true and false. The default is false.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to export the sequence’s path in a column named ‘pathSequence’. This is similar to ‘exportPathDetails’ however this uses the sequence path, not the alias path (ie. ’2.4.3′ instead of ‘visit2.labsum.lab3′). The ‘pathSequence’ column can be converted to lower/upper case if the conversion parameter is set. The possible values are true and false. The default is false.


This optional formatter parameter lets you add a column to the record and form datasets of the export called ‘siteID’ that contains the site name of the associated record(s). If enabled, the ‘toolName’ column in the ‘Patient’ table will be changed to ‘siteID’ for consistency. The ‘siteID’ column can be converted to lower/upper case if the conversion parameter is set. The possible values are true and false. The default is false.


This optional formatter parameter lets you add a column to the export called ‘seqID’ that contains the sequence of the associated forms. The ‘seqID’ column can be converted to lower/upper case if the conversion parameter is set. The possible values are true and false. The default is false.


Use this optional parameter when the exported record name (as displayed in the first column header of each export table) should be different than the record name as specified on the Application Setup worksheet in dataArchitect. For example, if a non-English term is specified as the record name, its English equivalent can be used in the export by using the typeName parameter and the English value.


Use this optional formatter parameter to specify the output data type for Date fields. The options are ‘String’ or ‘Date’. The default value is ‘Date’.


Use this optional formatter parameter to specify the default format for Date fields. The value is any valid date format or ISO8610 format (e.g. ddMMMyyyy, MM/dd/yyyy, ISO8610, etc.). The default value is the question’s date format.


Use this optional formatter parameter to specify the default format for Time fields. The value is any valid date format or ISO8610 format (e.g. HH:mm, HH:mm:ss.SSS, ISO8610, etc.). The default value is the question’s time format.


Use this optional formatter parameter to specify the default format for DateTime fields. The value is any valid date format or ISO8610 format (e.g. MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm, ISO8610, etc.). The default value is the question’s format.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify a comma-separated list of form names that should be exported in lower case. We usually use form name to represent the name of an exported table.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify a comma-separated list of form names that should be exported in upper case. We usually use form name to represent the name of an exported table.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify a comma-separated list of questionTypeIds of values that should be exported in upper case.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify a comma-separated list of question names that should be exported in lower case. When you want all question names to be written in lower case, then you should use a different parameter: modifyColumnCasing.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify a comma-separated list of question names that should be exported in upper case. When you want all question names to be written in upper case, then you should use a different parameter: modifyColumnCasing.


This optional formatter parameter specifies an option to change the case of all question columns with a single configuration. Allowed values are:

toUpperThe question column headers are converted to upper case.
toLowerThe column headers are converted to lower case.
noneThe column headers are exported as specified without a case conversion.

This is a general setting. The formatter parameters columnUpperCase and columnLowerCase can override this general behavior for single questions.


When set to true, this parameter removes blank forms from the export. A blank form is defined as a form with a blank answer status or a form in which all questions on the form have an empty value with no alerts. This parameter is applied to the entire export, not an individual export table. If it is not set, blank forms are exported. Acceptable Values: true or false (false by default)


This boolean parameter triggers whether deleted forms are exported. The default is false.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to include all files within the study’s file manager that are attached to subject eCRFs to be included in the export archive under a directory of the subject’s name. A summary file will be generated that lists the record, form, and document path for each document included. To include this function in the export, set the exportAttachedFiles Param Value to ‘true’.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to include all files within specific categories/folders of the study’s file manager to be included in the export archive under a directory of the category’s name. To include this function in the export, set the Param Value to be a comma separated list of the categories/folders you would like included in the export archive. If you would like all categories/folders included, use an asterisk to set the Param Value to ‘*’

Note: Enabling this parameter will cause the requested files from the file manager to be included in the export regardless of whether the export is run from an individual site level or an 'All-Sites' level. The export result from a single site could contain files belonging to another site when this parameter is enabled. 


This optional formatter parameter is used in conjunction with either the exportAttachedFiles or exportFileManager parameters. If the Param Value is set to ‘true’, the document ID of each file will be prepended to the file name within the export archive.


This optional formatter parameter allows for multiple form types to be displayed in the same table. The table is configured normally, but if a questionId is shared between form types, only one column is created. This parameter is useful for reducing the number of tables in an export when form types have many common questions. To use this feature, the parameter name must be entered as ‘combineFormTypes_’ followed by the name of the destination table. The parameter value is a comma-separated list of the form types that should be combined. This parameter can be used multiple times in a single export to generate multiple tables where form types are combined. In the following example, the randomization form and emergency unblinding form are set to be displayed in a table called ‘DT.’ Any questions that are shared between the two forms will only be displayed once in the table.


With this optional formatter parameter, an extra column for each question type is created in the table to hold the display value of the question currently being processed. The possible values are true and false. The default value is false. If the data value and the display value are the same, the extra column is still created, and the values of the two columns will be the same. As shown in the following example of an export, the display columns will have the same headers as the data value columns followed by the identifier, ‘_display.’


This optional formatter parameter is used for SAS exports only. It bundles the SAS decode file in the compressed folder of SAS output files. This decode file decodes a question type’s answer choices from its coded value to its display value. With it you can generate tables with the decoded values in place of the data values. The possible values are true and false. The default value is false.


This optional formatter parameter controls the expression of the ‘Label’ column in the Question Types – Definition worksheet. It accepts a boolean value and is set to ‘true’ by default, accepting these custom labels as column headers in configured exports. Defining this parameter and assigning it the value of ‘false’ will instruct the formatter to ignore the values in the found in the ‘Label’ column.


This optional formatter parameter allows the data exported to be based on the Question Layout template rather than the Form Display. The possible values are true and false. The default value is false. When this parameter is set to true, the list of questions to be used in the export is generated from the set of questions that are contained on the Question Template. Order of the questions is not guaranteed. When this parameter is set to false, the list of questions to be used in the export is generated from the set of questions that are contained on the Display worksheet.


This optional formatter parameter allows additional data to be exported in standard exports to be based on the Local Lab Ranges. The possible values are the column headers from the local lab range file. All column headers can be listed and an example is “resultLo,resultHi,unit”.

Formatter Parameters for Files Exports


This boolean parameter triggers whether deleted records are exported. The deleted records will be prepended with ‘deleted_’. The default value is false. Note: If deleted forms or records are set to false, then the export will not include files attached to deleted forms.


This boolean parameter triggers whether deleted forms are exported. The default is false.


Use this optional formatter parameter to specify the default format for DateTime fields. The value is any valid date format or ISO8610 format (e.g. MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm, ISO8610, etc.). The default value is the question’s format.


This optional formatter parameter is used in conjunction with either the exportAttachedFiles or exportFileManager parameters. If the Param Value is set to ‘true’, the document ID of each file will be prepended to the file name within the export archive. The default is false.


The ID of the user role that is granted access to the export; i.e., ‘Admin,’ ‘User,’ etc. The UserRoleId must match the name of the role on the Roles worksheet. If no Id is specified, all roles with the export permission will be able to access the export.

PDF Archival

The PDF Archival export is for archival and eSubmission purposes. PDF Archival will generate a shallow tree file structure. At the root of the tree will be a study index file, this has bookmarks linked to all sites that were participating in the PDF archival run. All generated files for each site will reside in an own site directory. In each of these directories, there is a PDF index file for the site and one PDF file for each record of the tool. The PDF Archival Formatter Type should be: ‘com.clickfind.dataCollector.export.DCRecordFormatter’

Note: The synonym of ‘record’ can also be used in place of ‘com.clickfind.dataCollector.export.DCRecordFormatter’. When decompiling a previous version of a dA, the system will replace ‘com.clickfind.dataCollector.export.DCRecordFormatter’ with ‘record’.

Formatter Parameters for PDF Archival


If set to true, this parameter specifies that all records and tools should be included in the PDF export. This parameter is typically used in conjunction with the includeTooltoolID and includeRecordrecordID parameters to set inclusions at the tool and record level. Acceptable Values: true or false (true by default)


This parameter designates whether the specified tool (site) should be included or excluded from the PDF export. The parameter name should be entered as ‘includeTool’ followed by the tool ID, which can be found in Trial Manager on the site form. Acceptable Values (by default this parameter is not used):

  • true – includes the specified tool in the export
  • false – excludes the specified tool from the export

When this setting is made for a tool, the includeRecordrecordID parameter can be used to override the tool setting such that the site is excluded but specified records from the site are included in the export. In the following example, ’22222′ is the tool ID of the site that is excluded from the export.


This parameter designates whether the records (subjects) with the specified recordID will be included or excluded from the PDF export. The parameter name should be entered as ‘includeRecord’ followed by the record ID. After clicking on a subject in the Subject Manager, the record ID can be found in the resulting URL Acceptable Values (by default this parameter is not used):

  • true – includes the specified record in the export
  • false – excludes the specified record from the export

This parameter overrides the includeTooltoolID paramater. When includeRecordrecordID is used, no other setting can override the value. In the following example, ’333344′ is the record ID of the subject that is to be excluded from the export.


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to include all files within the study’s file manager that are attached to subject eCRFs to be included in the export archive under a directory of the subject’s name. A summary file will be generated that lists the record, form, and document path for each document included. To include this function in the export, set the exportAttachedFiles Param Value to ‘true’.


This boolean parameter triggers whether deleted records are exported. The deleted records will be prepended with ‘deleted_’. The default value is false. The parameters pdfRecordFileNaming and pdfToolFileNaming can be useful when using this parameter.

Note: Errors can occur when deleted records with no record name or duplicate record names are exported. To prevent this error from occurring, set the pdfRecordFileNaming parameter to ‘useIdAndName.’


This optional formatter parameter lets you specify if you want to include all files within specific categories/folders of the study’s file manager to be included in the export archive under a directory of the category’s name. To include this function in the export, set the Param Value to be a comma separated list of the categories/folders you would like included in the export archive. If you would like all categories/folders included, use an asterisk to set the Param Value to ‘*’.


This optional formatter parameter is used in conjunction with either the exportAttachedFiles or exportFileManager parameters. If the Param Value is set to ‘true’, the document ID of each file will be prepended to the file name within the export archive.

Writer Parameters for PDF Archival

Reminder: Parameters for the writer can be specified in the writer parameter section of the export definition or in the application’s properties, where they are valid for all PDF archival export instances.

additionalIndexInfoHeader-[n] and additionalIndexInfoValue-[n]

With this pair of params it is possible to add fixed information to the index files of the PDF archival. A pair of values is required for each integer value following the base param names. The first additional info index is 1. If this additional info pair exists (properties “additionalIndexInfoHeader-1″ and “additionalIndexInfoValue-1″ filled), then the next index is checked (index 2 etc). This is continued until one parameter is missing or empty. Example:

additionalIndexInfoValue-1Drug Name:
additionalIndexInfoHeader-1My Sample Drug
additionalIndexInfoHeader-2My Description For My Sample Drug


This parameter applies to 128-strength encrypted documents only. The default is true. It triggers: Inserting, removing, and rotating pages and adding bookmarks is allowed. The content of a page can’t be changed (unless the permission allowModifyContents is granted too)..


This parameter applies to encrypted PDF documents only. The default is true. It triggers: Copying or otherwise extracting text and graphics from the document, including assistive technologies such as screen readers or other accessibility devices


This parameter applies to 128-strength encrypted documents only. The default is true. It triggers: Printing the document, but not with the quality offered by allowPrinting.


This parameter applies to 128-strength encrypted documents only. The default is true. It triggers: Filling form fields; adding or modifying annotations only if allowModifyAnnotations is granted too.


This parameter applies to encrypted PDF documents only. The default is true. It triggers: Adding or modifying text annotations and interactive form fields.


This parameter applies to encrypted PDF documents only. The default is false. It triggers: Modifying the contents for example, changing the content of a page, or inserting or removing a page.


This parameter applies to encrypted PDF documents only. The default is true. It triggers: Printing the document.


This parameter applies to 128-strength encrypted documents only. The default is true. It triggers: Extracting text and graphics for use by accessibility devices.


When set to true, this parameter creates a set of bookmarks organized by domain. This parameter must be used with the domainMappingSet parameter in order to specify how the forms should be organized within the user-defined domains. Acceptable Values: true or false (false by default) Domain bookmarks and visit bookmarks can both be used if desired. In such a case, a set of the record forms organized by domains and a set of the record forms organized by visit will be included.


When set to true, this parameter creates a set of bookmarks organized in the same order as the forms in the eCRF. Working with this bookmark tree simulates working with the navigation tree in the application. Acceptable Values: true or false (true by default) Visit bookmarks and domain bookmarks can both be used if desired. In such a case, a set of the record forms organized by domains and a set of the record forms organized by visit will be included.


This parameter specifies which domain mappings in the App Properties worksheet should be used. It must be used with createDomainBookmarks in order to work. Acceptable Values: Name of the domain mapping set defined on the App Properties worksheet followed by a dash (“-”) (‘domainMappings-’ by default) Domain mapping sets are defined in the App Properties worksheet and can have any name followed by a dash and either the form type id of the form to be included in the domain or an asterisk (*) to specify all forms not already included in a domain. The value of each property is the domain name that will be displayed in the PDF export. As shown in the following example, a mapping called ‘basicDomainMap’ is used to define four domains. The final domain declaration, ‘basicDomainMap-*,’ is used to specify that all other forms not already included in a domain should be included in the domain called ‘Other Forms.’ The domain mapping set is then specified on the Exports worksheet.


This parameter might take these values:

  • 128 – The PDF documents are encrypted with 128 bit strength.
  • 40 – The PDF documents are encrypted with 40 bit strength.
  • false – The PDF documents are not encrypted.

Current default for this parameter is 128. Do not use encryption for eSubmission PDF files.


Audits for questions, forms and record are exported, if and only if this parameter holds true. The default is true.


The question comments are exported, if and only if this parameter holds true. The default is true.


The code audits are exported, if and only if this parameter holds true. The default is true.


This boolean parameter triggers whether deleted forms are exported. The default is true.


The question queries are exported, if and only if this parameter holds true. The default is true.


The question query audits are exported, if and only if this parameter holds true. The default is true.


The question alerts are exported, if and only if this parameter holds true. The default is true.


The value of this parameter needs to be a float that specifies the maximum height of the logo graphic. The logo image of the interface context is used and printed into the PDF archival files. Without setting a value a maximum height of 57 points is used, which is 2 cm or 0.8 inch. This value needs to be specified in points.


This parameter holds a boolean value that specifies whether a multi colored output is allowed. For eSubmission you should not use multi colored output. However, currently only the “deleted form” marker is printed in red when this setting is enable. The default value for this setting is “true”.

noStudyLinkFromRecordPdf and noToolLinkFromRecordPdf

Each record PDF file will have bookmarks for the study and the tool at the top of the bookmark hierarchy. Normally these bookmarks will link to the stdy index and the tool index file. Some clients do not like this behavior because they want to use the eSubmission archives in a different context. The parameter noStudyLinkFromRecordPdf specifies whether the study bookmark should NOT link to the study index file. The parameter noToolLinkFromRecordPdf specified whether the tool bookmark should NOT link to the tool index file.


The owner password is the one that allows full editing of an encrypted PDF. There is a Fountayn default password that will not be communicated at this point. When the client wants to have an owner password, then it needs to be configured for the specified studies. We should not communicate the internal Fountayn owner password.


This float parameter specifies the page margin for the bottom side of the PDF document. It is specified in points and has a default of 72 points or 1 inch.


This float parameter specifies the page margin for the left side of the PDF document. It is specified in points and has a default of 72 points or 1 inch.


This float parameter specifies the page margin for the right side of the PDF document. It is specified in points and has a default of 72 points or 1 inch.


This float parameter specifies the page margin for the top side of the PDF document. It is specified in points and has a default of 72 points or 1 inch.


This can be either “letter” or “a4″. The default page size is letter.


The value of this parameter is prepended to the ID for a record, when ID naming is used. ID naming can be used because it is configured this way, or the naming scheme would result in an empty name. The default value is “Record”.


The value of this parameter is appended to each record PDF file, no matter if ID naming or a name naming scheme is used. The default value is “_Casebook”.

pdfFileCharacterMapFrom and pdfFileCharacterMapTo

You have the possibility to map characters for the file name to different characters. You can do this with the help of these settings. A character at position x in pdfFileCharacterMapFrom is exchanged with the corresponding character at position x in pdfFileCharacterMapTo. Example: pdfFileCharacterMapFrom=”123″ pdfFileCharacterMapTo=”ABC”. A file name “Record431″ would be mapped to “Record4CA”. Hint: These settings allow a mapping on character level. You cannot map strings. Example: It is not possible to map “+” to the literal string “plus”. By default both settings are empty and no character mapping is done.


It is possible to exclude some form types from the PDF archival processing. By default all form types are included. To exclude some form types, you need to configure a numbered list, where all entries consist of the prefix “pfdIgnoreFormType” and an incremental integer number. The index numbering can start with either 0 or 1. If there is a gap in the list, then the list is considered to be complete. When one form type is excluded, all sub forms of the excluded forms are excluded as well. Example: pdfIgnoreFormType1=demo pdfIgnoreFormType2=desc pdfIgnoreFormType4=druginfo With these params the form types “demo” and “desc” would be excluded from the PDF archival. The form type “druginfo” would NOT be excluded, as the list has a gap at index 3. The list can be specified with writer parameters for just a single export or with application properties, when all PDF archival exports (if any) should be affected.


This boolean parameter triggers whether a summary for the sub forms is printed on every form. The default is true.


There are characters that are not allowed for file names. These are \ / : * ? ” < > |. These characters are substituted with the value of this parameter. The default value is “_”.


This parameter holds the text for the PDF headline. The default value for the headline is “dbp [APPLICATIONVERSION] Printed by [LOGIN] on [TIMESTAMP].” The application will perform a keyword substitution before the headline is printed.

KeynameSubstituted by:
[STUDYID]Name of the study
[APPLICATIONVERSION]Version number of the application
[LOGIN]Name of the currently logged on user.
[TIMESTAMP]Timestamp for the PDF archival.


This parameter specifies the maximum allowed length for the pdf file or tool directory to use. By default there is no restriction on the length. You can specify valid integer numbers. If you use a restiction that is too narrow, then the possibility for name collisions increases.


The value of this parameter designates how the record PDF file is named. Available values are useIdAndName, usePrimaryName, useName and useId. The default value is usePrimaryName. In the following example, each column of files represents an export with a different parameter value used. From left to right, the value used is useId, useName, usePrimaryName and useIdAndName. In these examples, exportedDeletedRecords is also set to ‘true.’


The study name for the PDFInfo.xml file. There might be reasons why a different study name shouold be used for the CD/DVD burning process.


This parameter specifies the Java date format for the timestamp on the PDF printout. If this is not set, then the study date format is used. If this is not set too, then this format is used: “dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm”. The whole printout across all records and tools will use a single timestamp.


The value of this parameter designates how the tool PDF file is named. Available values are useName and useId. The default value is useName.


The value of this parameter is prepended to the ID for a tool, when ID naming is used. ID naming can be used because it is configured this way, or the naming scheme would result in an empty name. The default value is “Tool”.


The value of this parameter is appended to each tool directory. The default value for this parameter is the empty string.


This parameter specifies which properties in the App Properties worksheet should be used for setting record-related file properties. Once configured, these file properties can be viewed by going to File > Properties when viewing a record PDF. Acceptable Values: Name of the recordDocumentInfoSet defined on the App Properties worksheet followed by a dash (“-”) (‘documentInfoRecord-’ by default) By default the following values are displayed in the PDF Properties window:

  • Title: “PDF Archival File for [subject identifiers]“
  • Author: Name and user id of the user who exported the PDF
  • Subject: “PDF Archival File”
  • Keywords: Name of the study and site (as it appears on the Site form in Trial Manager) followed by the subject identifiers

As shown in the following example, the file’s title, author, subject and keywords can be set within the App Properties worksheet. When naming the property in the App Properties worksheet, any name can be used followed by a dash and the name of the specific field that should have a different name.


This parameter specifies which properties in the App Properties worksheet should be used for setting study-related file properties. Once configured, these file properties can be viewed by going to File > Properties when viewing a study PDF. Acceptable Values: Name of the studyDocumentInfoSet defined on the App Properties worksheet followed by a dash (“-”) (‘documentInfoStudy-’ by default) By default the following values are displayed in the PDF Properties window:

  • Title: Name of the study
  • Author: Name and user id of the user who exported the PDF
  • Subject: “Study Index File”
  • Keywords: Name of the study

As shown in the following example, the file’s title, author, subject and keywords can be set within the App Properties worksheet. When naming the property in the App Properties worksheet, any name can be used followed by a dash and the name of the specific field that should have a different name.


This parameter specifies which properties in the App Properties worksheet should be used for setting tool-related file properties. Once configured, these file properties can be viewed by going to File > Properties when viewing a tool PDF. Acceptable Values: Name of the toolDocumentInfoSet defined on the App Properties worksheet followed by a dash (“-”) (‘documentInfoTool-’ by default) By default the following values are displayed in the PDF Properties window:

  • Title: “Site [Site Name] Index File” where ‘Site Name’ is the name of the site as it appears on the Site form in Trial Manager
  • Author: Name and user id of the user who exported the PDF
  • Subject: “Site Index File”
  • Keywords: Name of the study followed by the name of the site as it appears on the Site form in Trial Manager

As shown in the following example, the file’s title, author, subject and keywords can be set within the App Properties worksheet. When naming the property in the App Properties worksheet, any name can be used followed by a dash and the name of the specific field that should have a different name.


This is a string parameter for the user password for encrypted PDF files. By default we do not use a user password even for encrypted PDFs because the user password needs to be specified every time that an encypted file is opened. Navigating our PDF archival collection will require that documents are opened multiple times. Usage of the user password is strongly discouraged as long as no real confidential content is included.

When set, this parameter displays a copyright value in the bottom left corner of each page in the PDF file. Using the text “[THIS-YEAR]” sets the current year in the copyright text. Example: a value of “©1999-[THIS-YEAR] Drugs Ltd” shall display “©1999-2017 Drugs. Ltd” if the export is ran in 2017.


Please see checksumMethod.

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