
This article covers app properties for date configurations.

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When set to true, this property enables the automatic date format feature. When this feature is enabled and the user enters an unambiguous date in a format other than the format accepted for the question, the system will reformat the date to match the question’s expected date format. The default value is false. For additional information regarding the difference between ambiguous and unambiguous dates, see the table below.
The following should be kept in mind when using this feature.

  • When the year is typed in a two-digit format and the question expects a four-digit format, the date is first evaluated as occurring in the current century (i.e. 2000). If the date is greater than the current year, the date will be interpreted to be the previous year that ended with the two-digit number. Otherwise, the most recent year ending with the two-digit number is used. For example, the user-input date of 8-22-15 is interpreted as August 22, 1915 while 8-22-14 is interpreted as August 22, 2014.
  • When the date entered is six numbers in length and contains no slashes or dashes, the date is assumed to be in the format MMddyy
  • When the date entered is eight numbers in length and contains no slashes or dashes, the date is assumed to be in the format MMddyyyy
  • If dates are entered in the MMddyyyy or MMddyy formats, the system expects the use of leading zeroes. For example, January 20, 2014 would need a leading zero for the month: 01202014
  • If the date is determined to be ambiguous (i.e. the date can be interpreted to be more than one date), the system will not attempt to reformat the date.
Date FormatAmbiguity Notes
dd/MMM/yyUnambiguous when yy is greater than the number of days in the month
dd-MMM-yyUnambiguous when yy is greater than the number of days in the month
ddMMMyyUnambiguous when yy is greater than the number of days in the month
MM/dd/yyyyUnambiguous when dd is greater than 12
MM-dd-yyyyUnambiguous when dd is greater than 12
MM/dd/yyUnambiguous when dd is greater than 12 and yy is greater than 31
MM-dd-yyUnambiguous when dd is greater than 12 and yy is greater than 31
yyyy-MM-ddUnambiguous when dd is greater than 12
yyyy/MM/ddUnambiguous when dd is greater than 12
MMddyyyyUnambiguous since all dates of length 8 that contain no slashes or dashes are expected to be in this format
MMddyyUnambiguous since all dates of length 6 that contain no slashes or dashes are expected to be in this format


When set to true, this property causes all questions with a display type of “PlainText” to behave as if the logChange field on the Question Types – Definition worksheet is set to “no”. This means that when the value of a PlainText question changes, the user will not be prompted to provide a reason for changing the data value. The default value for this property is false.

Configure Date Picker Ranges

On questions with date values, a standard calendar is presented to the user. By default the date picker only covers a 10 year range back from the current date. This can be customized in the DA. By adding a property in the App Properties worksheet, you may define the range of dates you want the picker to display for a given question.

To do this enter into the Name column “yearRange-” followed by the name of the question you are applying the range to. In the Value column, two numbers should be entered in the following form: “[+-]number:[+-]number”. These numbers are offsets from the current year that define the range covered by the picker. So in the year 2013, the range “-13:+7″ would cover 2000 – 2020.

This property would establish for the question called ‘dobdt’ (date of birth) a date range for its date picker beginning 31 years before the current year and ending 18 years before the current year.
For more information about App Properties, please click here.

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