
This article covers how to configure PDF archival using the configuring form.

Table of Contents

Configuring PDF Archival

The PDF archival can be customized with either application properties or export parameters. Specifying a configuration value with an export parameters applies the value to the one export only. This means that different exports can use different configuration values. Please review the general documentation on PDF archival:

Keep in mind: If a configuration value applies to all of your PDF archival exports, then you should set it application property. When it applies to only one export, then configure it as parameter for the export. Export configuration parameters override application properties for the export. If you have many PDF exports and only a single one requires a different configuration, then set the general value as application property and the special value as export parameter.

Configuring Form PDF Output

The generation of form PDF output can be customized with properties.


This property specifies the base font size for the output. The default size is “10″.


This property can specify the path to the logo for the header of the PDF. The prefix “$webbase” is replaced with the web base directory on the server.


This property specifies the max height of the logo in points. The default height is “57″ points.


With this setting the text of the header can be customized.


This property allows the modification of the timestamp format for the form PDF output. By default the study date format is used. If that is not set the default format is “dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm”.


Form PDF output is generated for a single form. As a form can be used multiple times in a casebook, it is important to display the names of parent forms as well. This setting allows modifying the layout of the display of parent forms. By default the parent names are displayed vertically on top of the form name. When this is not the desired layout, it is possible to have the parent form names displayed horizontally with a separator between them. This setting is the value of the separator to display. Depending on the design it is possible that some forms might use their own layout. You can override the default for a form type only by adding a dash and a form type id to the name of the property. Example: The property “pdfFormHeaderSeparator-demo” specifies the value to use for the “demo” form only.


When no separator is specified for the display of parent form names, then it is possible to specify the indention for each line. By default an indentation of 4 spaces is used. If you specify a value of “0″, then no indentation is displayed. Depending on the design it is possible that some forms might use their own layout. You can override the default for a form type only by adding a dash and a form type id to the name of the property. Example: The property “pdfFormHeaderIndentation-demo” specifies the value to use for the “demo” form only.

Applicable Other Properties for Form PDF Output

There are more properties that can affect the form PDF output. These are not specific to form PDF and they also affect other parts of the application. These properties are:

Configuring Additional Output for Trial Manager (Annotated eCRF)

There are a number of configuration properties that customize the appearance of the empty eCRF and annotated eCRF as it is generated by the Trial Manager.


By default the Index file contains a Help page with links to the Fountayn help system. This may not be desired in cases when the audience does not have access to the help system. In such cases, this property can be set to false to prevent the page from being produced.


This property specified the font name to use for the PDF CRFs to create. For Japanese output, you might use font “KozMinPro-Regular”. For Chinese output, you might use font “STSong-Light”.


This property specified the font encoding to use for the PDF CRFs to create. For Japanese output you might use encoding “UniJIS-UCS2-H”. For Chinese output, you might use encoding “UniGB-UCS2-H”.


Specifies the size for the page. By default the size is “letter”. The other possible value here is “A4″ for Enropean customers.


Specifies the left page margin. Default value is: “54″. It is measured in points (72pts = 1 inch).


Specifies the right page margin. Default value is: “27″. It is measured in points (72pts = 1 inch).


Specifies the top page margin. Default value is: “27″. It is measured in points (72pts = 1 inch).


Specifies the bottom page margin. Default value is: “72″. It is measured in points (72pts = 1 inch).


With this integer property you can change the font size for the documentation. The default is a font size of ’10′, which means 10 pt fonts for the majority of items. Some information is shown is a larger font depending on the base font size. The smallest possible base font size value is ’6′.


Specifies the time format for the PDF CRF file creation.


This is the study date format use for different purposes. When no “pdfCrfTimeStampFormat” is set, then this format is used for the PDF CRF files. When both settings are not set the following format is used: dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm


This setting allows the specification of a different than the default logo image on the front pages of the PDF files. When you want to use an image from Fountayn server, which is strongly recommended, then you need to use the term “$webbase” for the currently active environment. As example you can use “$webbase/images/gears.gif”. When you do not have the image for your company, you should contact your project manager or the help desk to get the image onto Fountayn  servers.


Specifies the maximum height of a logo image for the front page measured in points. The default is ’57′.This is a value of about 0.8 inch or 2 cm. Remark 72 points are one inch.


Specifies the name of the index file. By default the index file is named “Index”. Do not add the “.pdf” suffix here as it is appended automatically.


Specifies the name of the non-annotated CRF file. By default this is names “Crf”. Do not add the “.pdf” suffix here as it is appended automatically.


Specifies the name of the annotated CRF file. By default this is names “CrfAnnotated”. Do not add the “.pdf” suffix here as it is appended automatically.


By default each form contains a list of the sub forms. You can set this property to “false”, when you do not want to see the sub form list per form.


The annotated CRF contains a number of annotations for forms and questions. By clicking on one of these items the user is directed to a web link that contains information about the clicked item. This way the answer – “What is this” – can be easily answered by the user itself. When you do not want this default behavior, you can set this setting to “false” and no links to the web glossary are added to the document.

This property determines whether links from the index file to the non-annotated CRF file are added. It is required that both the index and the non-annotated CRF documents are located in the same directory. As you know, all files are delivered in a ZIP archive. When you click on the index only, then the index file is extracted to a temporary directory and the links to the CRF document will not work in this case. You should extract all files from the archive before following the links. By default the links are added and you are redirected to the form in the CRF, when you click on the name of the form. Disable this feature by setting this property to “false”.

This property determines whether links from the index file to the annotated CRF file are added. It is required that both the index and the annotated CRF documents are located in the same directory. As you know, all files are delivered in a ZIP archive. When you click on the index only, then the index file is extracted to a temporary directory and the links to the CRF document will not work in this case. You should extract all files from the archive before following the links. When the annotated link feature is enabled, then a “…” is displayed behind the form name. Clicking on this “…” will redirected to the form in the annotated CRF. This feature is enabled by default. Disable this feature by setting this property to “false”.


With this property you can specify whether you want or do not want a form architecture in the non-annotated CRF printout. The form architecture can be used to navigate in the file in addition to the existing bookmark trees. By default the form architecture is created.


With this property you can specify whether you want or do not want a form architecture in the annotated CRF printout. The form architecture can be used to navigate in the file in addition to the existing bookmark trees. By default the form architecture is created.


When you create a form architecture, then this property specifies the place, where the bookmark is located. By default and when this property is “true”, the form architecture bookmark is located on top of the bookmark list. Set this property to false, when you want the bookmark for the form architecture at the bottom of the list.


With this setting you can customize the header for the non-annotated CRF file, which is shown on the front page. It is possible to use the following constants that are exchanged with correct values when the document is created: [STUDYID], [APPLICATIONVERSION], [LOGIN], [TIMESTAMP].


With this setting you can customize the header for the annotated CRF file, which is shown on the front page. It is possible to use the following constants that are exchanged with correct values when the document is created: [STUDYID], [APPLICATIONVERSION], [LOGIN], [TIMESTAMP].


The value of this property is written for the code [STUDYID] in the headlines.


By default the index and form architecture use dark gray, gray and black to better visualize the different level of forms. You can disable this behavior by setting this property to “false”. In this case all text is written in black.


By default the index and form architecture use index numbers in front of forms of the same level to allow easier identification of related forms even across multiple pages. You can disable this behavior by setting this property to “false”. In this case no sequence numbers are written.


The value of this property specifies the indentation for forms of different levels in the form architecture and the index. The default value is ’30′. The value is measured in points. 72 points make one inch.


Specifies the font size for the item numbering in the index and form architecture.


The apostrophe (character u0027) is not displayed correctly with Asian language iText output. Unicode has a preferred apostrohe: u2019. By default this problem is fixed. If the fix should result in other problem, then it can be disabled by setting this property to “false”.


This is the specification of the default font file. Do not change this unless you are explicitly instructed to do so. For more information about App Properties, please click here.

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