This article covers an overview of the DataArchitect.
Welcome to Fountayn DataArchitectTM, which allows for the building of custom applications for use in collecting data for your clinical trials. Understanding how the components of your application interface with each other, and organizing each of the components, is key to successfully building your clinical trial application.
DataArchitect works in conjunction with DataCollector, a platform that enables the rapid deployment of Web-based data collection and management applications. DataCollector applications consist of networks of Tools ( Fountayn DataCollectorTool object), which contain a collection of records (a DataCollector Record). In a clinical trial, a record represents a patient. Each record consists of forms, subforms, and questions; basically, a form hierarchy with the record containing forms, and the forms containing either more forms or questions, or both. In short, this guide describes how to build a DataCollector application.
Instructions on how to configure each tab of the DataArchitect file can be accessed through the individual instruction pages.
Note: Since the DataArchitect is based on Microsoft Excel, it should be noted that Excel may attempt to auto-correct information as you type into the Workbook. The auto-correct feature may attempt to uppercase the first letter in a cell or modify the spelling of a term or replace characters. Please use caution and be aware of these features of Excel when designing your applications.
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