
This article covers how to configure the widgets that will be displayed on the user's homepage upon entry into CTMS.

Table of Contents

The Widget Configuration screen allows a user to configure what widgets will display on the user’s homepage upon entry into CTMS.

Access Widget Configuration

Select “Widget Configuration” from the Actions menu on the CTMS Homepage to configure the widgets.

The Widget Configuration screen will appear.

Widget Layout

The Widget Layout window is made up of three columns. The ‘Left Column’ and ‘Right Column’ correspond to the two resizable columns on the CTMS Homepage. Widgets included in the ‘Hidden’ column are not included on the CTMS Homepage unless moved to one of these two columns.

To include another widget on the CTMS Homepage, click and drag the widget from the ‘Hidden’ section of the Widget Layout window to either the ‘Left Column’ or ‘Right Column.’
The report section allows for multiple occurrence of the same report output, but different studies should be selected for each occurrence.
After moving a widget, a notification will appear at the top of the Widget Layout window stating, “Study Home Layout Updated” in green letters.

Select Study for Widget Report

When a Standard Reports option is moved into the left or right column, the user is prompted to select the study data on which the report should be based.

The study will default to the first study in the list. Deviation Categories, Deviation Status, and Site Deviations contain an all options for the report to display based on all studies.

Check List Sharing

It may be useful for users to share checklists they create with other users. In such cases, users with the CTMS Administrator role can grant specific roles permission to share their checklists.

Drag the Roles who should have permission to share checklists from the ‘Excluded Roles’ column to the ‘Selected Roles’ column. After moving a role, a notification will appear at the top of the table stating, “Sharing Roles Updated” in green letters.

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