
This article covers the contents of the site visit schedule report and how to export the report.

Table of Contents

The Site Visit Schedule Report displays a schedule for site visits with the expected versus actual visit dates. The Site Visit Schedule is based on the configuration of the study Monitoring Visit Plan. When the Site Visit Schedule is accessed, the Select a Study screen appears and a study must be selected.

When a study is selected and the Save button is clicked, the Site Visit Schedule Report for the selected study appears. The entries are filtered by utilizing the column filters found along the top of the table.


The report displays all of the current site visit entries for the study selected. This is an at-a-glance view of visits that have been projected (based on baseline milestones/activities), scheduled, or completed.

The Site Visit Schedule table provides columns “Study Site”, “Visit Name”, “Projected Date”, “Scheduled Date”, “Visit Date”, and “Status”.

Note: If dependent values are missing, the Projected Date column will label as "Unspecified".

The Status column provides a performance analysis comparing the projected versus actual visit dates. The Status column will reflect one of the following statuses:

  • Early: Visit Date range begins before the Projected Date range
  • In Range: Visit Date range begins within the Projected Date range
  • Late: No Visit or Scheduled Dates present and the system date is past the end of the Projected Date range
  • Upcoming: System date is within the Projected date range, but no Visit or Scheduled Dates are present


If a visit doesn’t have a Visit Date for the comparison, the Scheduled Date is used. If neither the Visit nor Schedule Dates are available, the status will default to “Upcoming” or “Late” based on the comparison of the Projected Date to the system date.


By clicking the options Excel, CSV, or PDF in the Actions menu, the system provides an export of the Monitoring Visit Schedule Report table. Columns that display date ranges on the table export as 2 columns per range (start and end), for more detailed reporting options. The export also contains an Export Summary table to provide details of the report, such as the requesting user, their role, the study chosen, and the generation and start times of the report export.

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