
This article covers the contents of the enrollment report.

Table of Contents

The Enrollment report will show an overview of the study enrollment based on patient status, breaks down the enrollment at a site level based on Site Enrollment and provides a timeline report for enrollment numbers for each study. This report includes “Study Enrollment”, “Site Patient Status” and “Enrollment Timeline”. When the Enrollment Report is accessed the Select a Study screen will appear, a study must be selected to display the enrollment report.

When a study is selected and the Save button is clicked, the Study Enrollment Report for the selected study will appear.

Select from the navigation menu to get each section of the report to display. Once the report section is displayed, select the report type again to remove from the screen.

Study Enrollment

Study Enrollment is a bar chart to display the actual versus expected numbers based on the Patient Status Table on the Project Planning screen. The blue bar will display the actual numbers and the arrow will display the expected numbers.
A user can hover their mouse over the bar and arrow to display the number value for the actual and expected numbers.

Site Patient Status

Site Patient Status is a table to show the actual versus expected numbers based on the Patient Status Table. The table displays expected and actual counts for study enrollment and each Site Enrollment.

Enrollment Timeline

Enrollment Timeline is a visual view of the study enrollment per status over a specific time period. If the status is a date question the value of the date field will be used for the timeline. If the status is not a date field or contains a partial date the date of the audit is used for the timeline.

When Enrollment Timeline is selected a Patient Status multi-dropdown will appear with options for each patient status. Select the patient status and select Go!.

The Timeline report will display a line chart over the dates the patient status was met. Hovering over the time point will provide the number of patients that meet that status on that day.

By changing the date range in the bottom report, the timeline report will update to display the line graph for those dates.


By clicking the options Excel, CSV, or PDF in the Actions menu, the system will provide an export of the Site Patient Status table. The export will also contain an Export Summary table to provide details of the report, such as the requesting user, their role, the study chosen, and the generation and start times of the report export.

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