
This article covers how to add a filter and create a sort using report properties.

Table of Contents

By using Report Properties, reports can be further configured to filter data or sort data.


Filters allow the report to be configured to only display data that conforms to a set of defined conditions. A filter is defined by an expression, which is evaluated to be either true or false. Filter conditions must be evaluated to true in order for the data to be included in the report.

For example a filter with an expression of sites != null where ’null’ means blank could be used to specify that only data that contains a site value should be included in the report.
country=’United States’ returns data that contains record with United States as the country.

Add Filter

Select Create Filter from the Action menu on the Properties screen.


The Expression Builder will appear to define the expression which must evaluate to true or false for the filter to work correctly.



The Sort feature allows the user to choose the display order of the data. For example, it might be useful to sort by the last name for personnel records.

Add Sort

Select Create Sort from the Action menu on the Properties screen.

The Create Sort screen will appear. Select the field in the report on which the sort should occur and select ascending or descending order.


Modify Properties

At any time the property can be modified by clicking the edit icon or deleted by clicking the delete icon beside the property.

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