
This article covers the functionalities of the payment status audits manager.

Table of Contents

Payment status audit records are initiated for all payment activity in the Site Payment and Site Payments Approvals Managers. When a status is applied in the Site Payment or Site Payments Approvals Manager an audit is recorded. If the status is applied across multiple payment items, one row will appear in the Payment Status Audits Manager and the Details screen will show the individual list of each payment item changed.

Access Payment Status Audits Manager

From within the CTMS platform, click the navigation menu to the left of the screen, expand the Audits menu option and select Payment Status Audits.

Available Columns and Filter Types

The Payment Status Audits Manager is comprised of columns that users can drag and drop between the Manager and Filters Menu. The values of the Study and Study Site Columns serve as links to the records they represent. For more information see the article on CTMS Managers.

The following table defines each column, the actions made available through the column value and the filters and sorts available.

StudyDisplays the study with the payment audit.Links to the Study Form.YesChoice
Study SiteDisplays the study site name for the payment audit.Links to the Study Site form.YesChoice
AmountAmount of the payment item when the audit was recorded.(none)NoNone
Current StatusDisplays the current value of the payment status.(none)YesChoice
Previous StatusDisplays the previous value of the payment status.(none)NoChoice
Change DateDate the audit record was created.(none)YesDate
Changed ByName of user who made the change that prompted the audit record.(none)YesChoice
DetailsDisplays the hyperlink text “Details”.Links to details screen of payment items changed with audit.NoNone


The Actions Menu can be expanded by clicking and contains the following options.


By selecting the options Excel or CSV, the system will provide an export of the information currently displayed in the Manager Table in the chosen format. The content of this export will be based on the filters applied to the table at the time of export.

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