
This article covers the functionalities of the question audits manager.

Table of Contents

The question audit trail is affected every time a change is made to a question on the CTMS forms, including the initial data entry.

If a question is completed with a reference to another question and the referenced question is updated, the audit will show the value of the question at the time the reference field was completed. For example, if Sarah Moore is selected for the Personnel link on Sites and her First Name is later updated to Sara, the audit will display Sarah, as originally entered.

Access Question Audits Manager

From within the CTMS platform, click the navigation menu to the left of the screen, expand the Audits menu option and select Question Audits.

Available Columns and Filter Types

The Question Audits Manager is comprised of columns that the user can drag and drop between the Manager and Filters Menu. The values of the Form, Path and Question Column serve as a link to the records they represent. For more information see the article on CTMS Managers.

The following table defines each column, the actions made available through the column value and the filters and sorts available.

Form TypeIndicates the form type of the form that contains the question audit.(none)YesChoice
FormIndicates the form name of the form that contains the question audit.Links to the form containing the question.NoNone
PathPath to the form.Each form name links to that particular form in CTMS.NoNone
QuestionDisplays the question text that contains the audit.Links to the form containing the question.NoText
TypeDisplays the Type of audit value or missing data type for the question.(none)YesChoice
Previous ValueDisplays the previous value of the question audit.(none)NoText
Current ValueDisplays the current value of the question audit.(none)NoText
Reason for ChangeDisplays the reason for change entered when the question audit was recorded.(none)YesText
Change DateDate the audit record was created.(none)YesDate
Changed ByName of user who made the change that prompted the audit record.(none)YesChoice
Deleted StatusIndicates if the form that contains the question audit is active or deleted.(none)YesChoice
Note: If ‘Audit Reason for Change Requirements’ for ‘Data Change’ in CTMS Settings is set to None, the Reason for Change column will not appear.

If the Monitoring Template Connection fields Detailed Listing for Forms SDV, Detailed Listing for Forms Data Reviewed, Detailed Listing for Forms Frozen or Detailed Listing for Forms Locked are searched and the answer option contain over 1,000 characters the audits returned in the search might not contain the results from these fields. It is possible to reduce the length of the search term in order to reduce the probability of this limitation showing up.


The Actions Menu can be expanded by clicking and contains the following options.


By selecting the options Excel or CSV, the system will provide an export of the information currently displayed in the Manager Table in the chosen format. The content of this export will be based on the filters applied to the table at the time of export.

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