
This article covers the functionalities of the audit managers.

Table of Contents

The Audit Managers allow for management of audits at the question, form, payment status, transitions and regulatory submission audits. When a tracked change occurs, the audit records the change date, current value, previous value, the name of the person who made the change, and the reason for change.

Audit records can be viewed through managers or directly on the related forms.

View Question Audits

The View Audit Trails icon is located to the left of the question name. When a form save is completed, value audits will be recorded for all fields that have never been saved (i.e. field saved blank), and for any field that has been modified since the most recent save of the form. The System must provide automatic, date and time-stamped computer-generated audit trail information for all operator entries and actions that create, modify, transmit or delete (virtual delete) electronic records. 

Questions on Form

  1. Click the View Audit Trail icon to view the audit trail for the question.
  2. To hide the Audit Trail table, click the View Audit Trail icon again.

Questions in Table Format

  1. Click the View Audit Trail icon to view the audit trail for the question.
  2. A pop-up will appear with the audit information.
  3. To hide the Audit Trail pop-up, click the Close button.


View Form Audits

The View Audit icon is located to the left of each form name. A Form Audit will show value audits for all questions on the form, association audits and existence audit.

  1. Click the View Audit Trail icon to view the audit trail for the form.
  2. To filter the Audit Trail, click the Filter icon beside the View Audit Trail icon.
  3. To hide the Audit Trail table, click the View Audit Trail icon again.

Reason for Change

Based on the CTMS Setting Audit Reason for Change Requirements for Data Changes, Reason for Change could display when data is changed on a form.

If the Audit Reason for Change Requirements for Data Changes is set to required a Black Alert will display and the Reason for Change has to be provided before the form can be saved.

If the Audit Reason for Change Requirements for Data Changes is set to optional a Blue Alert will display, the Reason or Change can be provided but is not required to save the form.

For the Reason for Change Fields, a reason can be typed directly into the text field or selecting the View Choices icon, the Reason for Change answer options will open.

The Reason for Change answer options are defined through the Reason for Change List in Managed List. Selecting Apply to Open on the Reason for Change answer option screen will apply the answer selected to all Reason for Change options on the form.

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