
This article covers how to create, view, and search tasks.

Table of Contents

While events are used to track calendar items with a start time, end time and location, tasks are used to track assignments with due dates and priorities. Through task management, you can better track your to-do list, prioritize tasks and track your progress.

Create Tasks

Tasks can be created in multiple ways. This section describes how to use the ‘Create’ button included in the different Calendar views.

Start Task Creation

  1. Depending on the Calendar View, locate and click the ‘Create’ button.
  2. Select ‘Task’ from the list of available options.


Complete Task Form

  1. Subject: Enter a short name for the event.
Note: This name is displayed on all the Calendar Views.

  1. Description: Optional. Enter a description for the event.
  2. Owner: If the event is a personal event, select your name from the list of owners. Otherwise,     select the workgroup that the event pertains to.
  3. Files: Optional. Review the steps for attaching a file if files should be attached to the task.
  4. Begin Date: Optional. Enter the beginning date for the task.
  5. Due Date: Enter a due date for the task.
  6. Priority: Select either ‘Low,’ ‘Average’ or ‘High’ to indicate the task’s level of priority.
  7. Status: Select either ‘Not Started,’ ‘In Progress’ or ‘Completed’ to indicated the task’s status.
Note: When viewing the task after creation, a Status Date is included. This Status Date is updated each time the status of the task is changed.

  1. Based on what you would like to do next, perform one of the following actions.
    • If you would like to save the event and immediately create another, click the ‘Save and New’ button.
    • If you would like to save the even and immediately share the event with others, click the ‘Save and Share’ button.
    • If you would like to save the event and return to the last calendar view, click the ‘Save’ button.
    • If you would not like to save the task, click the ‘Cancel’ button.

Note: You don’t set a permission for tasks. Tasks are set to private by default.

View Tasks

While tasks can be viewed on the calendar, you can also view a summary of all tasks by clicking the ‘View All Tasks’ tab.

 Edit or Delete Tasks

To edit or delete a task individually, click the icon beside the appropriate task.

Multiple tasks can be deleted simultaneously by checking the checkboxes beside the appropriate tasks and clicking the ‘Delete’ tab.

Search Tasks

The search bar is located at the top of the View Tasks screen and can be used to search for a specific task. By clicking a letter, you can also sort tasks by the first letter of the event name.

The basic search feature allows you to search by Subject or Description. To find a specific event, take the following steps.

  1. Enter the text that you’d like to search for in the ‘Find Tasks’ textbox.
  2. Select the field that you’d like to search by in the dropdown list.
  3. Click the ‘Find’ button.

At any time during the search process, you can clear the search. To clear a search when performing a basic search, click the ‘Reset’ link in the search bar.

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