
This article covers the default fields available on the configurable packaging and shipping plans form.

Table of Contents

The Packaging & Shipping plans for the study are managed through the Packaging & Shipping Plans form, one of many Configurable Forms. It is from this screen that relevant information concerning the storage depots, courier, shipping, and resupply plan can be collected. Each study contains the Packaging & Shipping Plans form (labeled Edit Packaging & Shipping Plans).

This form can be configured from CTMS Settings.

Access Packaging & Shipping Plans Form

The Packaging & Shipping Plans form for existing studies can be accessed by clicking Packaging & Shipping Plans under the Clinical Plans sub-menu for the study.

Default Fields

The Packaging & Shipping Plans form contains the following fields by default:

Storage Depot Field

The Storage Depot field is a text field used to identify the depots used to storage the investigational product for the study. By default, the Storage Depot field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the Storage Depot data is not provided.

Storage Requirements Field

The Storage Requirements field is a multiline text field used to identify the investigational product storage requirements for the study. By default, the Storage Requirements field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the Storage Requirements data is not provided.

Shipping Plans Field

The Shipping Plans field is a multiline text field used to describe the investigational product shipping plans for the study. By default, the Shipping Plans field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the Shipping Plans data is not provided.

Resupply Plans Field

The Resupply Plans field is a multiline text field used to describe the investigational product resupply plans for the study. By default, the Resupply Plans field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the Resupply Plans data is not provided.

Courier Field

The Courier field is a text field used to identify the courier of the investigational product for the study. By default, the Courier field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the Courier data is not provided.

Plans Field

The Plans field is Multi Document used to upload the Packaging and Shipment Plans and any other supporting documents. By default, the Plans field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the plans are not provided.


Save Actions

Save Button

When the Save button is selected the data entered for the questions will be saved and the user will be directed back to the Packaging & Shipping Plans form with the saved data displayed.

Cancel Button

When the Cancel button is selected the data entered for the questions will not be saved and the user will be directed to the Packaging & Shipping Plans form.


Importing Packaging & Shipping Information


This information can be imported as part of the Study import. Click here for more information.

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