
This article covers how to mark a payment unpaid or paid and change a due date on the payment details screen.

Table of Contents

The Payments Details screen will list each Site Specific Budget item and Visit Payment item in the status or statuses selected in the filter for the Payment Status column at the time the details link was clicked. The items listed on the Payment Details screen will contain the Payment Status that was defined on the Site Payments Manager Payment Status columns. For example, if Paid are selected for Payment Status, only items with Paid items will appear on the Payment Details Screen.


The Payment Details screen will contain a search box that allows searching on the Description, Patient, and Payment Type.
The Payment Details table will contain the following columns all which can be sorted:

DescriptionDisplays the Description for the Site Specific Budget Item or the Visit Name Field on the Visit Payment Schedule.(none)
Payment TypeDisplays Site Payment for Site Specific Budget Items or Visit Payment for Visit Payment Schedule items.(none)
PatientDisplays the Primary and Secondary Identifier for the patient which triggered the Visit Payment Schedule items. The field will be blank for Site Specific Budget Items.Links to the Patient Summary form for the site.
AmountDisplays the amount triggered from the item.(none)
StatusDisplays the payment status for each item.(none)
Due DateDisplays the due date that has been assigned to each item.(none)

The Mark as Paid action will only be visible when the Payment Status filter is only set to display Unpaid payment items. Likewise, the Mark as Unpaid action will only be visible when the Payment Status filter is set to only Paid items.

If a payment item appears in the Site Payments manager in error, the Payment Item Status should be cleared from Approval to Pending or Rejected, depending on the situation, on the Site Payment Approval’s manager to remove the item from the Site Payments Manager.

Choose An Action – Press Go!

The Choose An Action Press Go menu in the Payment Details screen allows the following actions to occur to individual payment items at the site.

  • Mark as Unpaid – Mark Paid payment items to the Unpaid status. Appears only when Paid is only selected for Payment Status on the Site Payments Manager.
  • Mark as Paid – Mark Unpaid payment items to the Paid status. Appears only when Unpaid is only selected for Payment Status on the Site Payments Manager.
  • Change Due Date – Change the payment items due date.

Mark as Unpaid

When Mark as Unpaid is applied to an item a confirmation screen will appear listing the items selected that the unpaid status will be applied to.

Mark as Paid

When Mark as Unpaid is applied to an item a confirmation screen will appear listing the items selected that the unpaid status will be applied to.

Change Due Date

When Change Due Date is applied to an item a screen will appear listing the items selected with a field to provide the updated due date.



By clicking the options Excel, CSV, or PDF, the system will provide an export of the information currently displayed in the Site Payment Approval Details table. The exception to this is if an amount ends in “.00”, the amount will appear as a whole number, without a decimal present.

Please note that if the Details screen contains headers or data that is not in English, the PDF button will not appear.

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