
This article describes the functionalities of the communication manager in the CTMS.

Table of Contents

To assist with the communication of study-related concerns, CTMS includes functionality that allows users to send and receive emails. The Communication Manager stores and organizes user communications and includes a Communication Group Manager for group distribution. Communication functionality is available to unrestricted roles only.

Access Communication Manager

From within the CTMS platform, click the expandable menu to the left of the screen (global menu) and select Communication, then from the submenu, Communication.

Available Columns and Filter Types

The Communications Manager contains a table listing all of the user’s CTMS-generated communications, both sent and incoming. Just as is the case with most managers, you can rearrange, filter, and sort most of your manager columns. This allows you to quickly identify what requires your attention. Columns can be dragged and dropped between the manager table and the filters menu, based on your workspace preference. For more information on managers, see the article on CTMS Managers.


The following table defines each column, the actions made available through the column value and the filters and sorts available.

DateDate the item was issued/receivedNoneYesDate
StudyStudy to which the communication pertainsLinks to study menuYesChoice
Subject CategoryThe subject category chosen on the communication.NoneYesChoice
SubjectThe subject as designated on the communication.NoneYesText
SenderThe individual who issued the communication.NoneNoText
RecipientsThe individuals or groups that received the communication.NoneNoText
TypeLabels the communication as one that was either sent or received.NoneYesChoice
DetailsFunctions as a link to view the details of the communication.Displays details of the communication.NoNone


Send New Communication

By clicking the Send New Communication action, the user will be directed to a new Send Communication form that when saved, will add a new communication record to the manager. To send a communication, the user’s role must have the proper permissions. For more information, see Send/Reply to Communications.



By clicking the options Excel or CSV, the system will provide an export of the information currently displayed in the manager table in the chosen format. The content of this export will be based on the filters applied to the table at the time of export.


Choose an Action – Press Go

The Choose an Action – Press Go dropdown can be expanded by clicking and contains the following options:

Send Communication

Using the Choose an Action – Press Go, a new communication can be initiated by first selecting a recipient with a checkmark. Only one checkmark can be selected for a communication to be initiated in this way. To send a communication, the user’s role must have the proper permissions. For more information see Send/Reply to Communications.

Download Communication to PDF

A PDF of a communication can be generated by first selecting the desired communication, then utilizing the Choose an Action – Press Go menu to process. A yellow bar along the top of the screen will advise the user that the PDF is being processed and that the user is free to navigate during generation. The bar will turn green when the process is complete and the user can then download the folder and PDF. Multiple communications can be processed simultaneously, generating a separate PDF for each selection.

Delete Communication

Using the Choose an Action Press Go menu, one or more communications can be deleted from the Communication Manager table. The ability to delete communications is reserved for those with the CTMS Administrator role.

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