
This article covers using the publish version manager to publish a version to production.

Table of Contents

The Publish Version Manager allows the ability to publish a version to Production once the settings of CTMS have been defined and tested in the Approve server. The version must be published to Production for those settings to be accessible to the Production tool.
A version has to be published to Production for the Production CTMS application to be accessible.
Only data defined in CTMS Settings (link to top level) are published from Approve to Production. The data, monitoring templates, ad-hoc reports configured in approve are not published to Production.

Publish Version Table

The Publish Version Table will display a table with the following columns:

  • Version: List the version number assigned at the time settings are published to Production.
  • Published At: The date and time the version was released to production.
  • Published By: User who published the version.
  • Publish Comments: The comments provided when the version was released to Production.

A blank row with a version number will appear. This contains the next version that will be published and allows the ability to view differences between released versions and the current settings in CTMS Settings.


Release Version to Production

To release a version to Production select “Release to Production” action on the Published Version Manager screen in CTMS Settings.

The Release to Production screen will appear with the version number of the new release and the Publish Comments field. The Publish Comments field is a required field and must be provided to publish the version to Production.

Once a Publish Comment has been provided, select Publish to Production button to publish the version.
A confirmation screen will appear to confirm the version was successfully published to Production. Select Ok to return to the Publish Version Manager.

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