
This article covers the site visit report approval process which allows users to configure workflows for site visit reports to transition through during the review of the report.

Table of Contents

The Site Visit Report Approval process allows users to configure workflows for site visit reports to transition through during the review of the report. Site visit approval workflows have 2 sections to complete:

  • Transition Statuses
  • Workflows


Transition Statuses

The Transition Statuses allows users the ability to define the steps that will be used in the workflow. Transition statuses need to be defined before adding a workflow.

Add Transition Status

  1. To add a new transition status select “Add Transition Status” from the Actions menu.
  2. The Add Transition Status dialog displays with the Status Name field.
  3. The Status Name field will be the label used for the workflow step.
  4. The Save button will save a new status to be used in the workflow.


Edit Transition Status

  1. To edit an existing transition status, select the Edit icon for the status name.
  2. The Edit Transition dialog displays with the existing status name populated in the Status Name field.
  3. Update the Status Name field and select Save to update the label of the status.


Delete Transition Status

A status that is used in a workflow cannot be deleted. The Delete icon will not be available.

To delete a status that has not been included in a workflow:

  1. Select the Delete icon for the status to delete.
  2. A confirmation screen will appear to confirm you wish to delete the status.
  3. Select Delete to confirm and delete the status.
  4. Select Cancel to keep the status.


The workflows allow users the ability to define the workflow steps that a monitoring report will go through during review and finalization.

Creating a workflow it is a two-step process. First create the workflow and then define the transition steps within the workflow.

Add Workflow

  1. To add a new workflow select “Add Workflow” from the Actions menu.
  2. The Add Site Visit Workflow screen will appear.

  3. The Workflow Name field will be the label used to identify the workflow. This will be the name displayed at the study level when selecting the Monitoring Report Workflow on the Study Form.
  4. The Initial Status field will be the transition status that a new monitoring report will set to when first created.
  5. The Submitted Status field is used to identify the workflow status that represents work being completed. It is to facilitate the measurement of time between a “Submitted” status to a “Finalized” status.
  6. The Final Status field is used to identify the workflow status that represents the approval of the work or completion of the process. It is to facilitate the end piece of the measurement of time between a “Submitted” status to a “Finalized” status. These fields are reported on in the Site Visits Manager and the Study Site Visits table.

Save button will save the Workflow Name and Initial Status. The Site Visit Report Approval screen appears with the new workflow in the Workflows table.


Add Workflow Transitions

  1. Select the Edit icon for the workflow to define the transition steps for the workflow.
  2. The Edit Site Visit Workflow screen will appear.
  3. Select Add Transition from the Actions menu.
  4. The Add Transition dialog will appear.
  5. The From Status field is for the status the report will be in.
  6. The To Status field is the status the monitoring report can be transitioned to.
  7. The eSignature Required field is to determine if the user who is transitioning the report is required to enter their password to process the transition.
    1. Yes: eSignature is required on the transition.
    2. No: eSignature is not required on the transition.
  8. The Lock Report field is to determine whether the report Edit icon should be available once transitioned from the From Status and to the To Status. For example, if a report is in final review or approved it is typically locked to avoid changes while in this status. The Edit icon can be made available (unlocked report) if a transition is created from one in which it is not available.
    1. Yes: the report is locked.
    2. No: the report is not locked and can continue to be edited.
  9. The Roles Allowed to Transition is a multi-dropdown field to define which roles are allowed to make the transition in the workflow. The user must have the role to see the Transition icon on the Site Visit Table.
  10. Select Save to save the transition step and the user is taken to the Edit Site Visit Report Workflow.

Complex workflows can be created by defining multiple To statuses for each From status step based on client’s needs. An example of a multi-step transition is:

Consider building into your workflows transitions that will allow a workflow to move from an approved status back to a review status. There are times where backwards movement from a final status is necessary. Be sure to limit the roles who can transition a report out of an approved status.


Edit a Transition Step

  1. Select the Edit icon for the transition step.
  2. The Edit Transition Dialog will appear.
  3. Update the fields that need to be edited.
  4. Select Save to save the changes.
  5. Select Cancel to cancel the changes.

Delete Transition Step

To delete a transition step in a workflow:

  1. Select the Delete icon for the transition to delete.
  2. A confirmation screen will appear to confirm you wish to delete the transition.
  3. Select Delete to confirm and delete the transition.
  4. Select Cancel to not delete the transition.

Delete Workflows

To delete a workflow:

Note: The Delete icon will not be available for workflows one the configuration is published.

  1. Select the Delete icon for the workflow to delete.
  2. A confirmation screen will appear to confirm you wish to delete the workflow.
  3. Select Delete to confirm and delete the workflow.
  4. Select Cancel to not delete the workflow.

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