
This article covers collaboration workflow categories and creating a workflow, status, and transition.

Table of Contents

Collaboration Workflows provide a process for Collaboration Tasks to move from creation to completion. These workflows are a part of the configuration process and are located in CTMS Settings.

A workflow is comprised of statuses that move through a series of transitions. The study team creates as many workflows as desired to meet their needs. There may be a need to have both simple and complex workflows, dependent upon which form is in use.


Collaboration Workflow Categories

Categories allow users to create groups of forms likely to use the same types of workflows. Each category can have multiple workflows.

The Edit icon next to the category name displays the forms assigned to that category. If a custom category, the form list can be edited.

To create a Custom Workflow category, click the Actions button and select Create a Custom Workflow Category.


  • Deviation Collaboration: Only for use on the Deviation Form
  • Site Visit Report Collaboration: Only for use on Site Visit Reports
  • Custom Workflows: Create additional categories to configure workflows for any form or groups of forms other than Deviation and Site Visit Report forms


Creating a Workflow

A default workflow is provided for Deviation and Site Visit Report forms. These default workflows can be deleted or edited as needed.


  1. To create a workflow in any category, click the Workflows table’s + sign.
  2. The Workflow Name field will be the label used to identify the workflow. This will be the name displayed at the study level when selecting the Collaboration Workflows on the Study Form. This will also be the name displayed on the form when selecting a workflow for task creation.
  3. The Description field is a multi-text field to capture any helpful details regarding the design or use of the workflow.
  4. The Initial Status field will be the transition status that a new task will set to when first created.
  5. The Submitted Status field is used to identify the workflow status that represents work being completed. It is to facilitate the measurement of time between a “Submitted” status to a “Finalized” status.
  6. The Final Status field is used to identify the workflow status that represents the approval of the work or completion of the process. It is to facilitate the end piece of the measurement of time between a “Submitted” status to a “Finalized” status.
  7. The Roles Allowed to Create field is to specify which roles should have the ability to initiate a task on a form assigned to the workflow.

*You will need statuses to complete all of the fields, but you cannot create statuses until the workflow’s required fields are saved. Save the required fields, create your statuses, then return to the workflow fields to complete accurately.


Create a Status

  1. Click the Statuses + sign.
  2. View Existing Statuses for easy assignment of statuses already created and click Use This Status to populate the status in the Status Name field.
  3. If a new status is needed, complete the Status Name Field.
  4. Identify which roles will have the ability to always view tasks on the form, inline at the question level.
  5. Select which additional roles will have the ability to view tasks on the form by clicking the “Show Tasks” link in the Actions menu.
  6. Select the color for the task’s appearance on the form.
  7. Select the text color for the task’s appearance on the form.


Create a Transition

Create transitions to build the path to approval or closure. For interactions expected to be more active, it may be helpful to create transitions that offer backwards movement within the workflow statuses.

  1. Click the Transitions + sign.
  2. Complete the From Status field
    • Any Status means means any status can be the From Status
    • New Status provides a field to create a new status
    • Selected Status offers a dropdown selection of existing statuses
  3. Complete the To Status field
    • New Status provides a field to create a new status
    • Selected Status offers a dropdown selection of existing statuses
  4. Transition Name automatically populates with the To Status, but can be edited if preferred.
  5. Roles Allowed to Transition
    • All Roles
    • Selected Roles offers a multi-choice field of roles
  6. eSignature Required field determines if the transition will require the user to provide their eSignature information (username and password).

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