
This article covers accessing entity configuration, the entity table, and adding and deleting entities.  

Table of Contents

Entities can be a strange concept to understand, but are a very useful tool in developing the restrictions that will be placed on restricted users. An entity allows us to define a subset of records in the system based on categories like Sponsor, CRO, or Country and inform the system that a particular user is allowed to view any records that fall within that category.

Accessing Entity Configuration

In the navigation menu of CTMS Settings, click “Roles, Permissions, and Entities” to expand the division. Select “Entity Administration” to access the associated screen.

The Entity Table

The Entity Table will display any entities that have already been created. By default this table will be empty, so you will need to configure this before you can properly utilize restricted roles.

The table consists of three columns, the first being the name. The icon found in the Edit column can be clicked to display a dialog to modify the configuration of a given entity. The icon found in the Delete column can be clicked to display a confirmation dialog that will allow you to remove an entity from activity.

Adding New Entities

By clicking the “Add Entity” option in the Actions Menu, you will be presented with a dialog to add a new entity.

Enter a Name for the new entity, this is a required field.
The Sponsors and CROs fields will display any sponsors or CROs you have added to the Managed List that handle those items. The Countries field will allow you to restrict the category defined by the Sponsors and CROs fields. By selecting a country or countries, you are informing the system that the user who is associated with this entity will only have visibility of studies and associated records that are also located in one or more of the selected nations.

Deleting Entities

When you click the Delete icon beside a particular Entity, the following dialog will be displayed:

Be careful to note that, as the dialog states, deleting an entity will revoke access granted by roles given to users that were previously associated with the entity.

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