
This article discusses role configuration and role tables.

Table of Contents

Roles are divided into two categories in CTMS, Unrestricted and Restricted. This division describes the type of user that access is being configured for and affects both what permissions he/she will have access to as well as the types of restrictions that can be placed on their account.

Accessing Role Configuration

In the navigation menu of CTMS Settings, click “Roles, Permissions, and Entities” to expand the division. Select “Restricted Roles and Permissions” or “Unrestricted Roles and Permissions” to access the associated roles table.

Roles Tables

Both Unrestricted and Restricted Roles are handled via a Roles Table. Each vertical column aside from the first describes a Role that can be granted to a user. The cells beneath it determine the level of access that role has to each permission represented by rows in the table.

Modifying a Permission

To change the level of access to a particular permission depicted in the table, simply click the representative button to toggle it to the desired setting.
A white button reading “No Access” indicates the user will not be allowed to view the associated parts of the system.

A yellow button reading “Read-Only” generally indicates the user will be allowed to view the associated parts of the system, but will not be able to modify data or perform most actions there.

A green button reading “Read/Write” indicates the user will be allowed to view the associated parts of the system and will have access to the full range of available functionalities that can be found there.

Clicking the Save button at the bottom of the screen will confirm any changes you have made.

Modifying Role Names

The column headers in the Role Name Row are modifiable text fields. By entering a new value in the area provided you can change the name that is used to identify any particular role in the system. As with all changes in CTMS Settings, you must publish before these changes take effect in the production environment.

Note: The following role names conflict with internal systems and should not be used: 'Design', 'Display', 'exposeDTRT', 'Foundation', 'Standard', 'Volatile' and 'Zoom'.

Adding and Removing Roles

By opening the Actions Menu and clicking “Add Role” a new column will be added to the table. By assigning a name and configuring the permissions as you see fit, this new role will be available to the type of user you are configuring.

By clicking the “Hide” button above a role displayed in the table you can remove older roles from activity. If the role has never been published it will be permanently removed from the table. Roles that have been published cannot be permanently deleted, but can be hidden and restored by clicking the button above that role. This will disable them for all users that possess the role. When a role has been hidden, the role name will be greyed out. Selecting the “Hide” button will restore the role.

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