
This article describes how to edit permissions, move and update files, update file properties and delete files.

Table of Contents

Once files have been created, they can be modified and moved at any time by Administrators and the creator of the file. Currently, permission changes are tracked through the Permission History. File name changes and the uploading of new versions of a file are tracked through the Version History. Changes to other file properties such as file descriptions and folder locations are not tracked.

Edit Permissions

  1. In the file structure, locate the appropriate file or folder.
  2. Check the checkbox beside the items with a permission that need to change.
  3. Hover the mouse over the ‘Permission’ tab and select the new permission. You must be an Admin in the Workgroup in order to see the row of tabs.
  4. On the ‘Change Permission’ screen, click the ‘Change’ button to confirm the change.

Move Files

  1. In the file structure, locate the appropriate file.
  2. Check the checkbox beside the items that need to be moved.
  3. Hover the mouse over the ‘Move to’ tab and select the appropriate folder.
  4. On the ‘Change Folder’ screen, click the ‘Change’ button to confirm the change.

Update Files

  1. In the file structure, locate the appropriate file.
  2. Click the ‘Update’ icon beside the appropriate file.
  3. Browse to the appropriate file to upload a new version.
  4. Enter a commit message, which might contain information about what changed, the reason for the change or the state of the file.
  5. Click the ‘Save’ button.
    Updating the file will result in a new version of the file. Previous versions of a file can be accessed through the Version History.

File Upload Errors

Based on the File Properties defined for the workgroup’s root Enterprise Manager, the user can receive errors upon saving the updated file if the file does not meet the properties defined. When File Properties are defined and a user attempts to upload a file with an extension that has been defined on the Blacklist or is not an approved extension defined on the Whitelist, the user will receive the following error and the file will not be uploaded.

Update File Properties

File properties such as file location, permission and file name can be updated on the File Properties screen.

  1. Click the ‘Properties’ icon beside the appropriate file.
  2. Update the appropriate file properties.
  3. Click the Save Button.
    Changing the file name will result in a new minor version of the file and an automatic commit message of “File renamed from [Old Name] to [New Name]“. For more information on file versions, see the Version History help page.

Delete Files

Folders, files and versions of a file can only be deleted by Workgroup Administrators, Tool Owners or Fountayn University. If you need a folder, file or a particular version of a file deleted, contact your Workgroup Administrator or Tool Owner first for assistance. If you need further assistance, contact the Fountayn University. Files attached to an eCRF cannot be deleted unless unattached from the eCRF. You can view a list of previously deleted files through the Show Deleted Files button.

Note: Once a file is deleted, it cannot be retrieved!

Delete File

Members of Fountayn University and Workgroup Administrators or Tool Owners have access to an extra column in the File Directory Table called “Delete.” Click the Delete Icon for the appropriate file or folder to delete it.

Note: Deleting a folder deletes all contents of the folder as well. This cannot be retrieved!


Delete Version of a File

Members of Fountayn University and Workgroup Administrators or Tool Owners have access to an extra column in the Version History Table called “Delete.” Click the Delete Icon for the appropriate version to delete that version of the file. As shown in the following example, versions of files that have only been renamed cannot be deleted. This is because the file only exists with the updated name. Files are not duplicated to account for name changes.


By clicking the Delete Icon a message will appear to confirm your selection to delete. 

Clicking the "Delete" button will remove the file completely. Once deleted, the file cannot be retrieved.

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