
This article documents how to manipulate already existing tools from within the Enterprise Manager. 

Table of Contents

Tool is an internal word used to describe one of many utilities available to the user. Tool often means the utility that handles a particular data entry site, but it can also refer to those that govern workflow and billing aides. The following documents how to manipulate already existing tools from within the Enterprise Manager.

Add Tools

Review the documentation on creating tools to learn how to add Query Workflow and Billing tools to a study.

Edit Tools

After a tool has been created, its Tool Name and Description can be changed.

Edit Tool from the Workgroup Details Screen

  1. Navigate to the workgroup through the interface or by searching the enterprise.
  2. On the Workgroup Details screen, click the ‘Edit’ icon beside the tool that needs editing.
  3. Edit the Tool Name and Description.
  4. Click the ‘Save’ button.

Edit Tool from the Tool Details Screen

  1. On the Workgroup Details screen, click the tool’s name to navigate to the Tool Details screen.
  2. On the Tool Details screen, click the ‘Edit’ icon beside the tool’s name or click the ‘Edit Tool’ tab.
  3. Edit the Tool Name and Description.
  4. Click the ‘Save’ button.

Move Tools

Tools and all of their records, history and users can be moved from one workgroup to another.

  1. Navigate to the workgroup through the interface or by searching the enterprise.
  2. On the Workgroup Details screen, check the checkbox beside the tools that need to be moved to a different workgroup.
  3. Click the ‘Move Tools’ button.
  4. On the Select Workgroup screen, use the search feature to locate the appropriate workgroup.
Note: The only workgroups available on the Add Existing Workgroup screen are those of which the user is an administrator. If the workgroup that needs to be added is not in the list, contact an Administrator of the workgroup.

  1. Click on the appropriate workgroup’s name.
  2. On the Move Tool confirmation screen click the ‘Move’ button.

The tool will appear under the selected workgroup in the Enterprise Manager tree.

Tool Status

A tool’s status can be changed from Online to Offline. When a tool has a Status of “Offline” any user who has access to the tool will no longer be able to access the tool, the tool name will not appear on the Desktop. If a tool is changed from “Offline” to “Online” the users who have access will regain their access as defined and the tool name will appear on the Desktop.

To change a tool’s status from Online to Offline, select the green icon under the Status column. The Status Icon will change to the red icon.

To change a tool’s status from Offline to Online, select the red icon under the Status column. The Status Icon will change to the green icon.

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