
This article describes how to add and remove administrators and members.

Table of Contents

Edit Administrators

A Workgroup Administrator maintains workgroup contact information, manages memberships within the workgroup and controls the posting of any announcements, documents and calendar events. Every workgroup must have one administrator.

When a user creates a workgroup, the user is automatically assigned as an administrator. Other administrators may be added or removed by following the  steps described in this section.

Add Administrator

  1. Navigate to the workgroup through the interface or by searching the enterprise.
  2. On the Workgroup Details page click the ‘Administrators’ tab.
  3. On The Manage Administrators screen, click the ‘Add Administrator’ tab.
  4. On the ‘Add Administrator’ screen, enter the new administrator’s username.
  5. Click the ‘Save’ button.
    The user’s name will be added to the Administrators list.

Remove Administrator

  1. Navigate to the workgroup through the interface or by searching the enterprise.
  2. On the Workgroup Details page click the ‘Administrators’ tab.
  4. On The Manage Administrators screen, check the users you wish to delete and click the ‘Remove Administrators’ tab. Optionally you may delete an individual user by clicking the trash can in their row beneath the “Remove” header.
  5. Optionally you may delete an individual user by clicking the trash can in their row beneath the “Remove” column header.


Edit Members

Users can become members of a workgroup in order to share information such as files, announcements, calendar events and tasks.

Within Fountayn, most memberships are defined as “Workgroups” which means users share information within the workgroup only. There are two other types of membership that are not often used:

  • Public – information is shared with all users via an internet portal (if configured)
  • Private – information is only accessible to the workgroup administrators

Memberships may be added or removed by following the steps described in this section.

Add Member

  1. Navigate to the workgroup to which the user should be added.
  2. On the Workgroup Details screen, click the ‘Members’ tab.

Note: To assure that the user has not already been added, search for the user using any of the criteria provided by the search feature on the Manage Members screen.


  1. On the Manage Members screen, click the ‘Add Member’ tab.
  2. On the Add member screen, enter the new member’s username.
  3. Click the ‘Save’ button.
    • The user’s name will be added to the Members list.

Remove Member

  1. Navigate to the workgroup for which a member should be removed.
  2. On the Workgroup Details screen, click the ‘Members’ tab.
  3. On the Manage Members screen, locate the member with the provided search feature.
  4. Check the checkbox beside the members that should be removed.
  5. On the Manage Members screen, click the ‘Remove Members’ tab.
  6. Optionally you may also remove an individual member by clicking their corresponding trash can icon beneath the “Remove” column header.

Need more help?

Please visit the Fountayn Contact Information page.