
This article describes how to create, modify, send, and manage invitation requests.

Table of Contents

Invitations to existing or potential system users to participate in and gain access to a study can be created within the Enterprise Manager. Users with access to the Enterprise Manager can create lists of potential system users, send e-mail invitations to those users and manage sent invitations. Invitations for system access can be created and managed anywhere from a client level all the way down to a single site level. The invitations in the examples provided are being created at an individual study level.

Create User Request Invitations

User Request Invitations can be created either manually or by importing excel files.

Manual User Requests

If you want to import user requests skip this section.

  1. At the Enterprise, study or site level click the ‘Manage Account Requests’ tab.
  2. On the ‘New Account Requests’ screen, click the ‘New Request’ tab.
  3. On the ‘Create Account Requests’ screen, enter the first and last name for the new user.
  4. Email: Enter the email address at which Fountayn may contact the user.
Note: This email address must be unique for each user. The system will display an error message and not process the request if the email address is already associated with another user.

  1. Tool: If known, select the site to which the user will be granted access. If no site is selected the user will only be added to the Workgroup.
    • After selecting a site, the Role menu will be populated with the roles available for that site.
  2. Role: Click inside the Role box to see a list of available roles and to select the roles that the new user should have.
  3. If multiple user requests need to be created, click the ‘+’ button to add a new row.
  4. Repeat steps 3-7 for each user request.
  5. Click the ‘Create’ button to complete the request creation process.

If all necessary information was entered, the system will present a confirmation screen indicating that the requests were created successfully.

Import User Requests

The Import option can be useful when a large number of user requests need to be created at one time. Before user requests can be imported, the template excel file must be downloaded and edited, as described in the following steps.

  1. At the Enterprise, study or site level click the ‘Manage Account Requests’ tab.
  2. On the ‘New Account Requests’ screen, click the ‘Upload Requests’ tab.
  3. If you have already downloaded and completed the Upload User template file, skip this step. Otherwise, click the link located at the bottom of the ‘Upload User Request’ from. The template will describe how to complete the template.
  4. Once the template file has been completed and saved, click the ‘Browse…’ button to navigate to the appropriate file.
  5. Click the ‘Upload’ button.
    If no errors occur, a screen will display the list of successfully created requests.
  6. Click the ‘Close’ button.


Modify User Requests

Before User Request invitations are sent, they can be edited or deleted.

Edit Requests

  1. At the Enterprise, study or site level click the ‘Manage Account Requests’ tab.
  2. On the ‘New Account Requests’ screen , click the ‘Edit’ icon beside the request that you want to edit.
  3. Make any changes that are needed to the Account Request.
  4. Click the ‘Edit’ button to save the changes.

Delete Requests

User Requests can be deleted individually or all at once on the ‘New Account Requests’ screen.

  1. To delete a single request, click the ‘Delete’ icon beside the request that you want to delete.
  2. To delete multiple requests, check the checkboxes beside all the requests that should be deleted and click the ‘Delete’ button.


Send and Manage Invitations

Send Invitations

After creating user access requests, you can use the system to send email invitations to the users identified in the requests. The invitations are based on a standardized Fountayn template. This template identifies the user’s study, site and role. For more information on how you can customize and configure email templates click here.

  1. To send a single invitation, click the ‘Invite’ icon beside the invitation that you want to send.
  2. To send multiple invitations, check the checkboxes beside all invitations that should be sent and click the ‘Invite’ button.
  3. After clicking the ‘Invite’ button or icon, a ‘Send Invitations’ screen will be displayed.
  4. To confirm that the invitations should be sent and to send them, click the ‘Send’ button.

    A final ‘Send Invitations’ screen will be displayed to confirm that the invitations were sent to the listed recipients.

Manage Sent Requests

After sending a user request invitation, any sent requests may be modified provided they have not yet been accepted and resent from the Manage Sent Requests screen.

  1. On the ‘New Account Requests’ screen, click the ‘Manage Sent Requests’ tab.
  2. To modify a single request invitation, click the edit icon beside it. If no changes are needed and the invitation only needs to be reset, then proceed to step #5.
  3. Make any desired changes to the user request that appears.
  4. Click the ‘Save’ button.
  5. Click the invite icon beside the modified invitation to resend it. If you need to resend multiple requests, select the requests by placing a check in the box to the left of the request and then click the ‘Send Invite’ tab.

Withdraw Requests

Any sent user requests that have not already been accepted may be withdrawn from the Manage Sent Requests screen. Once a request is withdrawn it cannot be undone.

  1. On the ‘New Account Requests’ screen, click the ‘Manage Sent Requests’ tab.

  3. To withdraw a single request invitation, click the X icon in the Withdraw column. For withdrawing multiple requests simultaneously, skip to step #7.
  4. After clicking the either the ‘X’ icon, a ‘Withdraw Account Requests’ screen will be displayed.
  5. Click the ‘Withdraw’ button.
  6. After clicking the ‘Withdraw’ button, the ‘Sent Account Requests’ screen will appear and a date and time will be populated in the ‘Withdraw’ column of the corresponding invitation.
  7. To withdraw multiple requests, check the checkboxes beside all the requests that should be withdrawn and click the ‘Withdraw’ tab.
  8. After clicking the either the ‘Withdraw tab, a ‘Withdraw Account Requests’ screen will be displayed as in # 2 above.
  9. Click the ‘Withdraw’ button.
  10. After clicking the ‘Withdraw’ button, the ‘Sent Account Requests’ screen will appear and a date and time will be populated in the ‘Withdraw’ column of the corresponding invitations as in #4 above.


Export User Requests

The Export option is helpful in determining what users have accepted access to the study and when.

  1. On the ‘New Account Requests’ screen, click the ‘Manage Sent Requests’ tab.
  2. On the ‘Sent Account Requests’ screen, use the filters if desired to narrow your results.
  3. Check the checkboxes beside all the requests that you want to export.
  4. Click the ‘Export Request’ tab to run the export.
  5. Depending on your computer settings, a Windows dialog box will appear asking you to Open, Save or Cancel the export.

Need more help?

Please visit the Fountayn Contact Information page.